Fieldguide Birds of the World

Species without Photos

Bartlett's TinamouCrypturellus bartletti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crypturellus bartletti
Berlepsch's TinamouCrypturellus berlepschi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crypturellus berlepschi
Rusty TinamouCrypturellus brevirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crypturellus brevirostris
Barred TinamouCrypturellus casiquiare (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crypturellus casiquiare
Gray-legged TinamouCrypturellus duidae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crypturellus duidae
Red-legged TinamouCrypturellus erythropus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crypturellus erythropus
Choco TinamouCrypturellus kerriae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crypturellus kerriae
Tepui TinamouCrypturellus ptaritepui (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crypturellus ptaritepui
Brazilian TinamouCrypturellus strigulosus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crypturellus strigulosus
Hooded TinamouNothocercus nigrocapillus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nothocercus nigrocapillus
Curve-billed TinamouNothoprocta curvirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nothoprocta curvirostris
Taczanowski's TinamouNothoprocta taczanowskii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nothoprocta taczanowskii
Chaco NothuraNothura chacoensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nothura chacoensis
Lesser NothuraNothura minor (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nothura minor
Huayco TinamouRhynchotus maculicollis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhynchotus maculicollis
Dwarf TinamouTaoniscus nanus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Taoniscus nanus
Jouanin's PetrelBulweria fallax (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Bulweria fallax
Fulmar PrionPachyptila crassirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachyptila crassirostris
Mascarene PetrelPseudobulweria aterrima (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pseudobulweria aterrima
Fiji PetrelPseudobulweria macgillivrayi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pseudobulweria macgillivrayi
Chatham PetrelPterodroma axillaris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pterodroma axillaris
Atlantic PetrelPterodroma incerta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pterodroma incerta
Magenta PetrelPterodroma magentae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pterodroma magentae
Vanuatu PetrelPterodroma occulta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pterodroma occulta
Townsend's ShearwaterPuffinus auricularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Puffinus auricularis
Barolo ShearwaterPuffinus baroli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Puffinus baroli
Boyd's ShearwaterPuffinus boydi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Puffinus boydi
Bryan's ShearwaterPuffinus bryani (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Puffinus bryani
Rapa ShearwaterPuffinus myrtae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Puffinus myrtae
Monteiro's Storm-petrelOceanodroma monteiroi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oceanodroma monteiroi
Abbott's BoobyPapasula abbotti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Papasula abbotti
Heard Island ShagPhalacrocorax nivalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phalacrocorax nivalis
Chatham Islands ShagPhalacrocorax onslowi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phalacrocorax onslowi
Bounty Islands ShagPhalacrocorax ranfurlyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phalacrocorax ranfurlyi
Kerguelen ShagPhalacrocorax verrucosus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phalacrocorax verrucosus
Forest BitternZonerodius heliosylus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zonerodius heliosylus
Eaton's PintailAnas eatoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Anas eatoni
New Britain SparrowhawkAccipiter brachyurus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Accipiter brachyurus
Nicobar SparrowhawkAccipiter butleri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Accipiter butleri
Chestnut-flanked SparrowhawkAccipiter castanilius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Accipiter castanilius
Red-thighed SparrowhawkAccipiter erythropus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Accipiter erythropus
Imitator SparrowhawkAccipiter imitator (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Accipiter imitator
Slaty-mantled GoshawkAccipiter luteoschistaceus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Accipiter luteoschistaceus
Meyer's GoshawkAccipiter meyerianus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Accipiter meyerianus
Small SparrowhawkAccipiter nanus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Accipiter nanus
New Britain GoshawkAccipiter princeps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Accipiter princeps
Archer's BuzzardButeo archeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Buteo archeri
Socotra BuzzardButeo socotraensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Buteo socotraensis
Chestnut-shouldered GoshawkErythrotriorchis buergersi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythrotriorchis buergersi
Madagascar Serpent-eagleEutriorchis astur (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eutriorchis astur
Black Honey-buzzardHenicopernis infuscatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Henicopernis infuscatus
Doria's GoshawkMegatriorchis doriae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megatriorchis doriae
Flores Hawk-eagleNisaetus floris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nisaetus floris
Pinsker's Hawk-eagleNisaetus pinskeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nisaetus pinskeri
Nicobar Serpent-eagleSpilornis klossi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Spilornis klossi
Taita FalconFalco fasciinucha (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Falco fasciinucha
Buckley's Forest-falconMicrastur buckleyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Micrastur buckleyi
Plumbeous Forest-falconMicrastur plumbeus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Micrastur plumbeus
Waigeo BrushturkeyAepypodius bruijnii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aepypodius bruijnii
Sula ScrubfowlMegapodius bernsteinii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megapodius bernsteinii
New Guinea ScrubfowlMegapodius decollatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megapodius decollatus
Forsten's ScrubfowlMegapodius forsteni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megapodius forsteni
Vanuatu ScrubfowlMegapodius layardi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megapodius layardi
Nicobar ScrubfowlMegapodius nicobariensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megapodius nicobariensis
Tanimbar ScrubfowlMegapodius tenimberensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megapodius tenimberensis
Red-billed BrushturkeyTalegalla cuvieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Talegalla cuvieri
Yellow-legged BrushturkeyTalegalla fuscirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Talegalla fuscirostris
Red-legged BrushturkeyTalegalla jobiensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Talegalla jobiensis
Alagoas CurassowMitu mitu (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mitu mitu
Sira CurassowPauxi koepckeae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pauxi koepckeae
Horned CurassowPauxi unicornis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pauxi unicornis
Siberian GrouseFalcipennis falcipennis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Falcipennis falcipennis
Bearded Wood-partridgeDendrortyx barbatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dendrortyx barbatus
Stripe-faced Wood-quailOdontophorus balliviani (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Odontophorus balliviani
Tacarcuna Wood-quailOdontophorus dialeucos (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Odontophorus dialeucos
Rufous-breasted Wood-quailOdontophorus speciosus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Odontophorus speciosus
Starred Wood-quailOdontophorus stellatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Odontophorus stellatus
Hainan PartridgeArborophila ardens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Arborophila ardens
Orange-necked PartridgeArborophila davidi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Arborophila davidi
Chestnut-breasted PartridgeArborophila mandellii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Arborophila mandellii
Vietnam PartridgeArborophila merlini (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Arborophila merlini
Red-billed PartridgeArborophila rubrirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Arborophila rubrirostris
Sichuan PartridgeArborophila rufipectus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Arborophila rufipectus
Black PartridgeMelanoperdix niger (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melanoperdix niger
Rock Bush-quailPerdicula argoondah (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Perdicula argoondah
Manipur Bush-quailPerdicula manipurensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Perdicula manipurensis
Hainan Peacock-pheasantPolyplectron katsumatae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Polyplectron katsumatae
Cameroon FrancolinPternistis camerunensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pternistis camerunensis
Gray-striped FrancolinPternistis griseostriatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pternistis griseostriatus
Djibouti FrancolinPternistis ochropectus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pternistis ochropectus
Swierstra's FrancolinPternistis swierstrai (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pternistis swierstrai
Crested ArgusRheinardia ocellata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rheinardia ocellata
Finsch's FrancolinScleroptila finschi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scleroptila finschi
Ring-necked FrancolinScleroptila streptophora (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scleroptila streptophora
Blue QuailSynoicus adansonii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Synoicus adansonii
Udzungwa PartridgeXenoperdix udzungwensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Xenoperdix udzungwensis
White-breasted GuineafowlAgelastes meleagrides (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Agelastes meleagrides
Black GuineafowlAgelastes niger (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Agelastes niger
Chestnut-backed ButtonquailTurnix castanotus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turnix castanotus
Sumba ButtonquailTurnix everetti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turnix everetti
Buff-breasted ButtonquailTurnix olivii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turnix olivii
Yellow-legged ButtonquailTurnix tanki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turnix tanki
Luzon ButtonquailTurnix worcesteri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turnix worcesteri
Talaud Bush-henAmaurornis magnirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Amaurornis magnirostris
Chestnut-headed CrakeAnurolimnas castaneiceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Anurolimnas castaneiceps
Red-winged Wood-railAramides calopterus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aramides calopterus
Snoring RailAramidopsis plateni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aramidopsis plateni
Tsingy Wood-railCanirallus beankaensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Canirallus beankaensis
Swinhoe's RailCoturnicops exquisitus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coturnicops exquisitus
Zapata RailCyanolimnas cerverai (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cyanolimnas cerverai
Makira MoorhenGallinula silvestris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallinula silvestris
New Britain RailGallirallus insignis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallirallus insignis
New Caledonian RailGallirallus lafresnayanus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallirallus lafresnayanus
Roviana RailGallirallus rovianae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallirallus rovianae
Bare-eyed RailGymnocrex plumbeiventris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gymnocrex plumbeiventris
Invisible RailHabroptila wallacii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Habroptila wallacii
Luzon RailLewinia mirifica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lewinia mirifica
Auckland Islands RailLewinia muelleri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lewinia muelleri
Colombian CrakeMustelirallus colombianus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mustelirallus colombianus
Woodford's RailNesoclopeus woodfordi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nesoclopeus woodfordi
Philippine SwamphenPorphyrio pulverulentus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Porphyrio pulverulentus
White-striped Forest-railRallina leucospila (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rallina leucospila
Mayr's RailRallina mayri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rallina mayri
Plain-flanked RailRallus wetmorei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rallus wetmorei
Striped FlufftailSarothrura affinis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sarothrura affinis
White-winged FlufftailSarothrura ayresi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sarothrura ayresi
Streaky-breasted FlufftailSarothrura boehmi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sarothrura boehmi
Chestnut-headed FlufftailSarothrura lugens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sarothrura lugens
Slender-billed FlufftailSarothrura watersi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sarothrura watersi
Little Brown BustardEupodotis humilis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eupodotis humilis
Jerdon's CourserRhinoptilus bitorquatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhinoptilus bitorquatus
Javan LapwingVanellus macropterus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vanellus macropterus
Snares Island SnipeCoenocorypha huegeli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coenocorypha huegeli
Chatham Islands SnipeCoenocorypha pusilla (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coenocorypha pusilla
Imperial SnipeGallinago imperialis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallinago imperialis
Eskimo CurlewNumenius borealis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Numenius borealis
Slender-billed CurlewNumenius tenuirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Numenius tenuirostris
Tuamotu SandpiperProsobonia parvirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Prosobonia parvirostris
Bukidnon WoodcockScolopax bukidnonensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scolopax bukidnonensis
Sulawesi WoodcockScolopax celebensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scolopax celebensis
Moluccan WoodcockScolopax rochussenii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scolopax rochussenii
New Guinea WoodcockScolopax rosenbergii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scolopax rosenbergii
Purple-winged Ground-doveClaravis geoffroyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Claravis geoffroyi
Maroon-chested Ground-doveClaravis mondetoura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Claravis mondetoura
White-naped PigeonColumba albinucha (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Columba albinucha
Silvery Wood-pigeonColumba argentina (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Columba argentina
Bronze-naped PigeonColumba iriditorques (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Columba iriditorques
Somali PigeonColumba oliviae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Columba oliviae
Yellow-legged PigeonColumba pallidiceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Columba pallidiceps
Comoro PigeonColumba pollenii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Columba pollenii
Forest DoveColumba simplex (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Columba simplex
Maroon PigeonColumba thomensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Columba thomensis
Tooth-billed PigeonDidunculus strigirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Didunculus strigirostris
Polynesian Imperial-pigeonDucula aurorae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula aurorae
Baker's Imperial-pigeonDucula bakeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula bakeri
Chestnut-bellied Imperial-pigeonDucula brenchleyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula brenchleyi
Spotted Imperial-pigeonDucula carola (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula carola
Rufescent Imperial-pigeonDucula chalconota (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula chalconota
Timor Imperial-pigeonDucula cineracea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula cineracea
Elegant Imperial-pigeonDucula concinna (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula concinna
Bismarck Imperial-pigeonDucula melanochroa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula melanochroa
Mindoro Imperial-pigeonDucula mindorensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula mindorensis
Seram Imperial-pigeonDucula neglecta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula neglecta
Nicobar Imperial-pigeonDucula nicobarica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula nicobarica
Micronesian Imperial-pigeonDucula oceanica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula oceanica
Gray Imperial-pigeonDucula pickeringii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula pickeringii
Pink-bellied Imperial-pigeonDucula poliocephala (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula poliocephala
Pink-headed Imperial-pigeonDucula rosacea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ducula rosacea
Palau Ground-doveGallicolumba canifrons (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallicolumba canifrons
Wetar Ground-doveGallicolumba hoedtii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallicolumba hoedtii
Sulu Bleeding-heartGallicolumba menagei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallicolumba menagei
Mindoro Bleeding-heartGallicolumba platenae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallicolumba platenae
Marquesas Ground-doveGallicolumba rubescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallicolumba rubescens
Cinnamon Ground-doveGallicolumba rufigula (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallicolumba rufigula
Thick-billed Ground-doveGallicolumba salamonis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallicolumba salamonis
Santa Cruz Ground-doveGallicolumba sanctaecrucis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallicolumba sanctaecrucis
Friendly Ground-doveGallicolumba stairi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallicolumba stairi
White-throated Ground-doveGallicolumba xanthonura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gallicolumba xanthonura
Purple Quail-doveGeotrygon purpurata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geotrygon purpurata
Pale Mountain-pigeonGymnophaps solomonensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gymnophaps solomonensis
Seram Mountain-pigeonGymnophaps stalkeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gymnophaps stalkeri
New Guinea BronzewingHenicophaps albifrons (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Henicophaps albifrons
New Britain BronzewingHenicophaps foersteri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Henicophaps foersteri
Ochre-bellied DoveLeptotila ochraceiventris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Leptotila ochraceiventris
Mindanao Brown-dovePhapitreron brunneiceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phapitreron brunneiceps
Tawitawi Brown-dovePhapitreron cinereiceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phapitreron cinereiceps
Negros Fruit-dovePtilinopus arcanus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus arcanus
Makatea Fruit-dovePtilinopus chalcurus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus chalcurus
White-capped Fruit-dovePtilinopus dupetithouarsii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus dupetithouarsii
Maroon-chinned Fruit-dovePtilinopus epius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus epius
White-headed Fruit-dovePtilinopus eugeniae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus eugeniae
Rapa Fruit-dovePtilinopus huttoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus huttoni
Henderson Island Fruit-dovePtilinopus insularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus insularis
Velvet DovePtilinopus layardi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus layardi
Sula Fruit-dovePtilinopus mangoliensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus mangoliensis
Cream-breasted Fruit-dovePtilinopus merrilli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus merrilli
Palau Fruit-dovePtilinopus pelewensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus pelewensis
Tanna Fruit-dovePtilinopus tannensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus tannensis
Wallace's Fruit-dovePtilinopus wallacii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilinopus wallacii
Pied Cuckoo-doveReinwardtoena browni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Reinwardtoena browni
Crested Cuckoo-doveReinwardtoena crassirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Reinwardtoena crassirostris
Buru Green-pigeonTreron aromaticus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Treron aromaticus
Philippine Green-pigeonTreron axillaris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Treron axillaris
Large Green-pigeonTreron capellei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Treron capellei
Ashy-headed Green-pigeonTreron phayrei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Treron phayrei
Timor Green-pigeonTreron psittaceus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Treron psittaceus
Yellow-vented PigeonTreron seimundi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Treron seimundi
Sumba Green-pigeonTreron teysmannii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Treron teysmannii
Thick-billed Ground-pigeonTrugon terrestris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Trugon terrestris
Tuxtla Quail-doveZentrygon carrikeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zentrygon carrikeri
Russet-crowned Quail-doveZentrygon goldmani (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zentrygon goldmani
Black-cheeked LovebirdAgapornis nigrigenis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Agapornis nigrigenis
Black-collared LovebirdAgapornis swindernianus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Agapornis swindernianus
Red-necked ParrotAmazona arausiaca (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Amazona arausiaca
Imperial ParrotAmazona imperialis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Amazona imperialis
Glaucous MacawAnodorhynchus glaucus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Anodorhynchus glaucus
Olive-shouldered ParrotAprosmictus jonquillaceus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aprosmictus jonquillaceus
Andean ParakeetBolborhynchus orbygnesius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Bolborhynchus orbygnesius
Cardinal LoryChalcopsitta cardinalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chalcopsitta cardinalis
Red-throated LorikeetCharmosyna amabilis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Charmosyna amabilis
Duchess LorikeetCharmosyna margarethae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Charmosyna margarethae
Meek's LorikeetCharmosyna meeki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Charmosyna meeki
Striated LorikeetCharmosyna multistriata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Charmosyna multistriata
Palm LorikeetCharmosyna palmarum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Charmosyna palmarum
Red-chinned LorikeetCharmosyna rubrigularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Charmosyna rubrigularis
Red-fronted LorikeetCharmosyna rubronotata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Charmosyna rubronotata
Blue-fronted LorikeetCharmosyna toxopei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Charmosyna toxopei
Pygmy LorikeetCharmosyna wilhelminae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Charmosyna wilhelminae
Chatham Islands ParakeetCyanoramphus forbesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cyanoramphus forbesi
New Caledonian ParakeetCyanoramphus saisseti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cyanoramphus saisseti
Blue-streaked LoryEos reticulata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eos reticulata
Blue-collared ParrotGeoffroyus simplex (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geoffroyus simplex
Black-winged ParrotHapalopsittaca melanotis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hapalopsittaca melanotis
Red-faced ParrotHapalopsittaca pyrrhops (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hapalopsittaca pyrrhops
Papuan Hanging-parrotLoriculus aurantiifrons (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Loriculus aurantiifrons
Camiguin Hanging-parrotLoriculus camiguinensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Loriculus camiguinensis
Sangihe Hanging-parrotLoriculus catamene (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Loriculus catamene
Sula Hanging-parrotLoriculus sclateri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Loriculus sclateri
Green-fronted Hanging-parrotLoriculus tener (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Loriculus tener
White-naped LoryLorius albidinucha (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lorius albidinucha
Yellow-bibbed LoryLorius chlorocercus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lorius chlorocercus
Yellow-capped Pygmy-parrotMicropsitta keiensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Micropsitta keiensis
Meek's Pygmy-parrotMicropsitta meeki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Micropsitta meeki
Naretha BluebonnetNorthiella narethae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Northiella narethae
Night ParrotPezoporus occidentalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pezoporus occidentalis
Niam-niam ParrotPoicephalus crassus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Poicephalus crassus
Mindoro Racquet-tailPrioniturus mindorensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Prioniturus mindorensis
Golden-mantled Racquet-tailPrioniturus platurus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Prioniturus platurus
Blue-winged Racquet-tailPrioniturus verticalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Prioniturus verticalis
Mindanao Racquet-tailPrioniturus waterstradti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Prioniturus waterstradti
Madarasz's Tiger-parrotPsittacella madaraszi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Psittacella madaraszi
Modest Tiger-parrotPsittacella modesta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Psittacella modesta
Nicobar ParakeetPsittacula caniceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Psittacula caniceps
Salvadori's Fig-parrotPsittaculirostris salvadorii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Psittaculirostris salvadorii
Caica ParrotPyrilia caica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pyrilia caica
Bonaparte's ParakeetPyrrhura lucianii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pyrrhura lucianii
Black-lored ParrotTanygnathus gramineus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tanygnathus gramineus
Red-fronted ParrotletTouit costaricensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Touit costaricensis
Sapphire-rumped ParrotletTouit purpuratus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Touit purpuratus
Spot-winged ParrotletTouit stictopterus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Touit stictopterus
Pohnpei LorikeetTrichoglossus rubiginosus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Trichoglossus rubiginosus
Kuhl's LorikeetVini kuhlii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vini kuhlii
Stephen's LorikeetVini stepheni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vini stepheni
Ultramarine LorikeetVini ultramarina (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vini ultramarina
Black-billed TuracoTauraco schuettii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tauraco schuettii
Sumatran Ground-cuckooCarpococcyx viridis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Carpococcyx viridis
Gabon CoucalCentropus anselli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Centropus anselli
Biak CoucalCentropus chalybeus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Centropus chalybeus
Short-toed CoucalCentropus rectunguis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Centropus rectunguis
Black-hooded CoucalCentropus steerii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Centropus steerii
Barred Long-tailed CuckooCercococcyx montanus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cercococcyx montanus
Cocos CuckooCoccyzus ferrugineus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coccyzus ferrugineus
Sulawesi CuckooCuculus crassirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cuculus crassirostris
Black-billed KoelEudynamys melanorhynchus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eudynamys melanorhynchus
Long-tailed KoelEudynamys taitensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eudynamys taitensis
Red-billed Ground-cuckooNeomorphus pucheranii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Neomorphus pucheranii
Rufous-winged Ground-cuckooNeomorphus rufipennis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Neomorphus rufipennis
Moluccan Drongo-cuckooSurniculus musschenbroeki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Surniculus musschenbroeki
Congo Bay-owlPhodilus prigoginei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phodilus prigoginei
Seram Masked-owlTyto almae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tyto almae
Golden Masked-owlTyto aurantia (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tyto aurantia
Manus Masked-owlTyto manusi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tyto manusi
Shelley's Eagle-owlBubo shelleyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Bubo shelleyi
Usambara Eagle-owlBubo vosseleri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Bubo vosseleri
Albertine OwletGlaucidium albertinum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Glaucidium albertinum
Chestnut OwletGlaucidium castaneum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Glaucidium castaneum
Javan OwletGlaucidium castanopterum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Glaucidium castanopterum
Pernambuco Pygmy-owlGlaucidium mooreorum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Glaucidium mooreorum
Subtropical Pygmy-owlGlaucidium parkeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Glaucidium parkeri
Maned OwlJubula lettii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Jubula lettii
Koepcke's Screech-owlMegascops koepckeae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megascops koepckeae
Balsas Screech-owlMegascops seductus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megascops seductus
Fearful OwlNesasio solomonensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nesasio solomonensis
Tanimbar BoobookNinox forbesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox forbesi
Halmahera BoobookNinox hypogramma (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox hypogramma
Solomons BoobookNinox jacquinoti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox jacquinoti
Camiguin BoobookNinox leventisi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox leventisi
Manus BoobookNinox meeki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox meeki
Mindoro BoobookNinox mindorensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox mindorensis
Sulu BoobookNinox reyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox reyi
Cebu BoobookNinox rumseyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox rumseyi
Mindanao BoobookNinox spilocephala (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox spilocephala
Romblon BoobookNinox spilonotus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox spilonotus
Hantu BoobookNinox squamipila (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox squamipila
Bismarck BoobookNinox variegata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ninox variegata
Nicobar Scops-owlOtus alius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus alius
Biak Scops-owlOtus beccarii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus beccarii
Anjouan Scops-owlOtus capnodes (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus capnodes
Sandy Scops-owlOtus icterorhynchus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus icterorhynchus
Seychelles Scops-owlOtus insularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus insularis
Mayotte Scops-owlOtus mayottensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus mayottensis
Mindanao Scops-owlOtus mirus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus mirus
Negros Scops-owlOtus nigrorum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus nigrorum
Arabian Scops-owlOtus pamelae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus pamelae
Comoro Scops-owlOtus pauliani (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus pauliani
Wallace's Scops-owlOtus silvicola (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus silvicola
Socotra Scops-owlOtus socotranus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Otus socotranus
Palau OwlPyrroglaux podargina (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pyrroglaux podargina
Vermiculated Fishing-owlScotopelia bouvieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scotopelia bouvieri
Rufous Fishing-owlScotopelia ussheri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scotopelia ussheri
Omani OwlStrix butleri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Strix butleri
Desert OwlStrix hadorami (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Strix hadorami
Archbold's Owlet-nightjarAegotheles archboldi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aegotheles archboldi
New Caledonian Owlet-nightjarAegotheles savesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aegotheles savesi
Starry Owlet-nightjarAegotheles tatei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aegotheles tatei
Palawan FrogmouthBatrachostomus chaseni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Batrachostomus chaseni
Dulit FrogmouthBatrachostomus harterti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Batrachostomus harterti
Solomons FrogmouthRigidipenna inexpectata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rigidipenna inexpectata
Tawny-collared NightjarAntrostomus salvini (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Antrostomus salvini
Bates's NightjarCaprimulgus batesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caprimulgus batesi
Brown NightjarCaprimulgus binotatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caprimulgus binotatus
Vaurie's NightjarCaprimulgus centralasicus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caprimulgus centralasicus
Mees's NightjarCaprimulgus meesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caprimulgus meesi
Palau NightjarCaprimulgus phalaena (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caprimulgus phalaena
Itombwe NightjarCaprimulgus prigoginei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caprimulgus prigoginei
Montane NightjarCaprimulgus ruwenzorii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caprimulgus ruwenzorii
Nechisar NightjarCaprimulgus solala (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caprimulgus solala
New Caledonian NightjarEurostopodus exul (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eurostopodus exul
Solomons NightjarEurostopodus nigripennis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eurostopodus nigripennis
Papuan NightjarEurostopodus papuensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eurostopodus papuensis
Scrub NightjarNyctidromus anthonyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nyctidromus anthonyi
Bahian NighthawkNyctiprogne vielliardi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nyctiprogne vielliardi
Todd's NightjarSetopagis heterura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Setopagis heterura
Cayenne NightjarSetopagis maculosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Setopagis maculosa
Roraiman NightjarSetopagis whitelyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Setopagis whitelyi
Ameline SwiftletAerodramus amelis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus amelis
Mariana SwiftletAerodramus bartschi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus bartschi
Seram SwiftletAerodramus ceramensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus ceramensis
Caroline Islands SwiftletAerodramus inquietus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus inquietus
Black-nest SwiftletAerodramus maximus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus maximus
Philippine SwiftletAerodramus mearnsi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus mearnsi
Bare-legged SwiftletAerodramus nuditarsus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus nuditarsus
Marquesan SwiftletAerodramus ocistus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus ocistus
Mayr's SwiftletAerodramus orientalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus orientalis
Three-toed SwiftletAerodramus papuensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus papuensis
Mossy-nest SwiftletAerodramus salangana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus salangana
Atiu SwiftletAerodramus sawtelli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus sawtelli
Sulawesi SwiftletAerodramus sororum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus sororum
White-rumped SwiftletAerodramus spodiopygius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus spodiopygius
Volcano SwiftletAerodramus vulcanorum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus vulcanorum
Whitehead's SwiftletAerodramus whiteheadi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aerodramus whiteheadi
White-tipped SwiftAeronautes montivagus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aeronautes montivagus
Forbes-watson's SwiftApus berliozi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Apus berliozi
Blyth's SwiftApus leuconyx (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Apus leuconyx
Salim Ali's SwiftApus salimalii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Apus salimalii
Amazonian SwiftChaetura viridipennis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chaetura viridipennis
White-chinned SwiftCypseloides cryptus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cypseloides cryptus
Rothschild's SwiftCypseloides rothschildi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cypseloides rothschildi
White-fronted SwiftCypseloides storeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cypseloides storeri
Waterfall SwiftHydrochous gigas (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hydrochous gigas
Papuan Spinetailed SwiftMearnsia novaeguineae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mearnsia novaeguineae
Philippine NeedletailMearnsia picina (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mearnsia picina
Great Swallow-tailed SwiftPanyptila sanctihieronymi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Panyptila sanctihieronymi
Schouteden's SwiftSchoutedenapus schoutedeni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Schoutedenapus schoutedeni
Pygmy SwiftTachornis furcata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tachornis furcata
Malagasy SpinetailZoonavena grandidieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoonavena grandidieri
Inagua WoodstarCalliphlox lyrura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Calliphlox lyrura
Santa Marta WoodstarChaetocercus astreans (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chaetocercus astreans
Green-tailed EmeraldChlorostilbon alice (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chlorostilbon alice
Chiribiquete EmeraldChlorostilbon olivaresi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chlorostilbon olivaresi
Narrow-tailed EmeraldChlorostilbon stenurus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chlorostilbon stenurus
Coppery ThorntailDiscosura letitiae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Discosura letitiae
Blue-capped PufflegEriocnemis glaucopoides (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eriocnemis glaucopoides
Turquoise-throated PufflegEriocnemis godini (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eriocnemis godini
Gorgeted PufflegEriocnemis isabellae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eriocnemis isabellae
Black-breasted PufflegEriocnemis nigrivestis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eriocnemis nigrivestis
Buff-thighed PufflegHaplophaedia assimilis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Haplophaedia assimilis
Rufous-webbed BrilliantHeliodoxa branickii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Heliodoxa branickii
Scissor-tailed HummingbirdHylonympha macrocerca (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hylonympha macrocerca
Green-breasted Mountain-gemLampornis sybillae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lampornis sybillae
Dot-eared CoquetteLophornis gouldii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lophornis gouldii
Blue-bearded HelmetcrestOxypogon cyanolaemus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oxypogon cyanolaemus
White-bearded HelmetcrestOxypogon lindenii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oxypogon lindenii
Black-throated HermitPhaethornis atrimentalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phaethornis atrimentalis
Needle-billed HermitPhaethornis philippii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phaethornis philippii
Buff-bellied HermitPhaethornis subochraceus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phaethornis subochraceus
Peruvian PiedtailPhlogophilus harterti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phlogophilus harterti
Tepui GoldenthroatPolytmus milleri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Polytmus milleri
Red-backed MousebirdColius castanotus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Colius castanotus
Moustached KingfisherActenoides bougainvillei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Actenoides bougainvillei
Buru Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx cajeli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx cajeli
New Georgia Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx collectoris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx collectoris
Manus Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx dispar (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx dispar
Northern Silvery-kingfisherCeyx flumenicolus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx flumenicolus
Makira Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx gentianus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx gentianus
Malaita Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx malaitae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx malaitae
Dimorphic Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx margarethae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx margarethae
North Solomons Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx meeki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx meeki
New Ireland Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx mulcatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx mulcatus
Guadalcanal Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx nigromaxilla (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx nigromaxilla
Bougainville Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx pallidus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx pallidus
New Britain Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx sacerdotis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx sacerdotis
North Moluccan Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx uropygialis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx uropygialis
Sula Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx wallacii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx wallacii
Bismarck KingfisherCeyx websteri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ceyx websteri
Shovel-billed KookaburraClytoceyx rex (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Clytoceyx rex
Spangled KookaburraDacelo tyro (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dacelo tyro
Numfor Paradise-kingfisherTanysiptera carolinae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tanysiptera carolinae
Little Paradise-kingfisherTanysiptera hydrocharis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tanysiptera hydrocharis
Mariana KingfisherTodiramphus albicilla (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus albicilla
Colonist KingfisherTodiramphus colonus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus colonus
Talaud KingfisherTodiramphus enigma (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus enigma
Vanuatu KingfisherTodiramphus farquhari (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus farquhari
Niau KingfisherTodiramphus gertrudae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus gertrudae
Marquesas KingfisherTodiramphus godeffroyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus godeffroyi
Palau KingfisherTodiramphus pelewensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus pelewensis
Pohnpei KingfisherTodiramphus reichenbachii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus reichenbachii
Mewing KingfisherTodiramphus ruficollaris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus ruficollaris
Melanesian KingfisherTodiramphus tristrami (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus tristrami
Chattering KingfisherTodiramphus tutus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus tutus
Society KingfisherTodiramphus veneratus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Todiramphus veneratus
Sulu HornbillAnthracoceros montani (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Anthracoceros montani
Visayan HornbillPenelopides panini (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Penelopides panini
Writhe-billed HornbillRhabdotorrhinus waldeni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhabdotorrhinus waldeni
Narcondam HornbillRhyticeros narcondami. (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhyticeros narcondami.
Dusky-backed JacamarBrachygalba salmoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Brachygalba salmoni
Chestnut-headed NunletNonnula amaurocephala (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nonnula amaurocephala
Bristle-nosed BarbetGymnobucco peli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gymnobucco peli
Sladen's BarbetGymnobucco sladeni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gymnobucco sladeni
White-chested TinkerbirdPogoniulus makawai (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pogoniulus makawai
Green TinkerbirdPogoniulus simplex (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pogoniulus simplex
Brown-throated BarbetPsilopogon corvinus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Psilopogon corvinus
Chinese BarbetPsilopogon faber (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Psilopogon faber
Red-vented BarbetPsilopogon lagrandieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Psilopogon lagrandieri
Yellow-browed ToucanetAulacorhynchus huallagae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aulacorhynchus huallagae
Least HoneyguideIndicator exilis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Indicator exilis
Dwarf HoneyguideIndicator pumilio (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Indicator pumilio
Lyre-tailed HoneyguideMelichneutes robustus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melichneutes robustus
Yellow-footed HoneyguideMelignomon eisentrauti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melignomon eisentrauti
Zenker's HoneyguideMelignomon zenkeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melignomon zenkeri
Imperial WoodpeckerCampephilus imperialis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Campephilus imperialis
Ivory-billed WoodpeckerCampephilus principalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Campephilus principalis
Mombasa WoodpeckerCampethera mombassica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Campethera mombassica
Red-headed FlamebackChrysocolaptes erythrocephalus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chrysocolaptes erythrocephalus
Yellow-faced FlamebackChrysocolaptes xanthocephalus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chrysocolaptes xanthocephalus
Crimson-breasted WoodpeckerDendrocopos cathpharius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dendrocopos cathpharius
Arabian WoodpeckerDendrocopos dorae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dendrocopos dorae
Sulu WoodpeckerDendrocopos ramsayi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dendrocopos ramsayi
Guadeloupe WoodpeckerMelanerpes herminieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melanerpes herminieri
Southern Sooty-woodpeckerMulleripicus fuliginosus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mulleripicus fuliginosus
Red-collared WoodpeckerPicus rabieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Picus rabieri
Hose's BroadbillCalyptomena hosii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Calyptomena hosii
Dusky-cheeked Foliage-gleanerAnabazenops dorsalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Anabazenops dorsalis
Ochre-browed ThistletailAsthenes coryi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Asthenes coryi
Maquis CanasteroAsthenes heterura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Asthenes heterura
Vilcabamba ThistletailAsthenes vilcabambae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Asthenes vilcabambae
Cryptic TreehunterCichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti
Coiba SpinetailCranioleuca dissita (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cranioleuca dissita
Bolivian SpinetailCranioleuca henricae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cranioleuca henricae
Parker's SpinetailCranioleuca vulpecula (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cranioleuca vulpecula
Beautiful TreerunnerMargarornis bellulus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Margarornis bellulus
Rock EarthcreeperOchetorhynchus andaecola (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ochetorhynchus andaecola
Chestnut-winged Foliage-gleanerPhilydor erythropterum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Philydor erythropterum
Slaty-winged Foliage-gleanerPhilydor fuscipenne (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Philydor fuscipenne
Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleanerPhilydor pyrrhodes (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Philydor pyrrhodes
Black-tailed LeaftosserSclerurus caudacutus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sclerurus caudacutus
Short-billed LeaftosserSclerurus rufigularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sclerurus rufigularis
Rio Orinoco SpinetailSynallaxis beverlyae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Synallaxis beverlyae
Cabanis's SpinetailSynallaxis cabanisi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Synallaxis cabanisi
Chestnut-throated SpinetailSynallaxis cherriei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Synallaxis cherriei
Apurimac SpinetailSynallaxis courseni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Synallaxis courseni
Marañon SpinetailSynallaxis maranonica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Synallaxis maranonica
White-bellied SpinetailSynallaxis propinqua (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Synallaxis propinqua
Blackish-headed SpinetailSynallaxis tithys (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Synallaxis tithys
Guttulate Foliage-gleanerSyndactyla guttulata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Syndactyla guttulata
Rufous-necked Foliage-gleanerSyndactyla ruficollis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Syndactyla ruficollis
Bolivian RecurvebillSyndactyla striatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Syndactyla striatus
Rufous-backed TreehunterThripadectes scrutator (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Thripadectes scrutator
Delta Amacuro SofttailThripophaga amacurensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Thripophaga amacurensis
Spot-throated WoodcreeperCerthiasomus stictolaemus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Certhiasomus stictolaemus
White-chinned WoodcreeperDendrocincla merula (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dendrocincla merula
Hoffmanns's WoodcreeperDendrocolaptes hoffmannsi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dendrocolaptes hoffmannsi
Bar-bellied WoodcreeperHylexetastes stresemanni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hylexetastes stresemanni
Inambari WoodcreeperLepidocolaptes fatimalimae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lepidocolaptes fatimalimae
Rondonia WoodcreeperLepidocolaptes fuscicapillus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lepidocolaptes fuscicapillus
Rufous-tailed AntbirdDrymophila genei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Drymophila genei
Roosevelt AntwrenEpinecrophylla dentei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Epinecrophylla dentei
Rufous-tailed AntwrenEpinecrophylla erythrura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Epinecrophylla erythrura
Brown-bellied AntwrenEpinecrophylla gutturalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Epinecrophylla gutturalis
Foothill AntwrenEpinecrophylla spodionota (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Epinecrophylla spodionota
Chestnut-shouldered AntwrenEuchrepomis humeralis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Euchrepomis humeralis
Yellow-rumped AntwrenEuchrepomis sharpei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Euchrepomis sharpei
Ash-winged AntwrenEuchrepomis spodioptila (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Euchrepomis spodioptila
Fulvous AntshrikeFrederickena fulva (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Frederickena fulva
Undulated AntshrikeFrederickena unduliger (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Frederickena unduliger
Ancient AntwrenHerpsilochmus gentryi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Herpsilochmus gentryi
Creamy-bellied AntwrenHerpsilochmus motacilloides (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Herpsilochmus motacilloides
Spot-tailed AntwrenHerpsilochmus sticturus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Herpsilochmus sticturus
Aripuana AntwrenHerpsilochmus stotzi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Herpsilochmus stotzi
Rondonia Warbling-antbirdHypocnemis ochrogyna (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypocnemis ochrogyna
Manicore Warbling-antbirdHypocnemis rondoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypocnemis rondoni
Magdalena AntbirdMyrmeciza palliata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myrmeciza palliata
Plain-winged AntwrenMyrmotherula behni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myrmotherula behni
Rio De Janeiro AntwrenMyrmotherula fluminensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myrmotherula fluminensis
Rio Suno AntwrenMyrmotherula sunensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myrmotherula sunensis
Pale-faced Bare-eyePhlegopsis borbae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phlegopsis borbae
White-breasted AntbirdRhegmatorhina hoffmannsi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhegmatorhina hoffmannsi
Brownish-headed AntbirdSchistocichla brunneiceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Schistocichla brunneiceps
Caura AntbirdSchistocichla caurensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Schistocichla caurensis
Rufous-faced AntbirdSchistocichla rufifacies (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Schistocichla rufifacies
Roraiman AntbirdSchistocichla saturata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Schistocichla saturata
Slate-colored AntbirdSchistocichla schistacea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Schistocichla schistacea
Orange-bellied AntwrenTerenura sicki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Terenura sicki
Band-tailed AntshrikeThamnophilus melanothorax (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Thamnophilus melanothorax
Black AntshrikeThamnophilus nigriceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Thamnophilus nigriceps
Cocha AntshrikeThamnophilus praecox (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Thamnophilus praecox
Barred AntthrushChamaeza mollissima (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chamaeza mollissima
Tachira AntpittaGrallaria chthonia (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Grallaria chthonia
Elusive AntpittaGrallaria eludens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Grallaria eludens
Rufous-faced AntpittaGrallaria erythrotis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Grallaria erythrotis
Great AntpittaGrallaria excelsa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Grallaria excelsa
Gray-naped AntpittaGrallaria griseonucha (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Grallaria griseonucha
Cundinamarca AntpittaGrallaria kaestneri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Grallaria kaestneri
Scallop-breasted AntpittaGrallaricula loricata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Grallaricula loricata
Masked AntpittaHylopezus auricularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hylopezus auricularis
Silvery-fronted TapaculoScytalopus argentifrons (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus argentifrons
Bolivian TapaculoScytalopus bolivianus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus bolivianus
Caracas TapaculoScytalopus caracae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus caracae
Junin TapaculoScytalopus gettyae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus gettyae
Boa Nova TapaculoScytalopus gonzagai (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus gonzagai
Marsh TapaculoScytalopus iraiensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus iraiensis
Brown-rumped TapaculoScytalopus latebricola (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus latebricola
Blackish TapaculoScytalopus latrans (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus latrans
Large-footed TapaculoScytalopus macropus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus macropus
Merida TapaculoScytalopus meridanus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus meridanus
Tacarcuna TapaculoScytalopus panamensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus panamensis
Ecuadorian TapaculoScytalopus robbinsi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus robbinsi
Diademed TapaculoScytalopus schulenbergi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus schulenbergi
Unicolored TapaculoScytalopus unicolor (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus unicolor
Vilcabamba TapaculoScytalopus urubambae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scytalopus urubambae
Kinglet CalypturaCalyptura cristata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Calyptura cristata
Black-chested FruiteaterPipreola lubomirskii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pipreola lubomirskii
Jet ManakinChloropipo unicolor (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chloropipo unicolor
Golden-crowned ManakinLepidothrix vilasboasi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lepidothrix vilasboasi
Gray-headed PipritesPiprites griseiceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Piprites griseiceps
Olivaceous SchiffornisSchiffornis olivacea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Schiffornis olivacea
Rufous TwistwingCnipodectes superrufus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cnipodectes superrufus
Slaty ElaeniaElaenia strepera (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Elaenia strepera
Boat-billed Tody-tyrantHemitriccus josephinae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hemitriccus josephinae
Yungas Tody-tyrantHemitriccus spodiops (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hemitriccus spodiops
Caatinga Black-tyrantKnipolegus franciscanus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Knipolegus franciscanus
Cinereous TyrantKnipolegus striaticeps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Knipolegus striaticeps
Inca FlycatcherLeptopogon taczanowskii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Leptopogon taczanowskii
Double-banded Pygmy-tyrantLophotriccus vitiosus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lophotriccus vitiosus
Tawny-breasted FlycatcherMyiobius villosus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myiobius villosus
Unadorned FlycatcherMyiophobus inornatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myiophobus inornatus
Cocos FlycatcherNesotriccus ridgwayi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nesotriccus ridgwayi
Reiser's TyrannuletPhyllomyias reiseri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllomyias reiseri
Urich's TyrannuletPhyllomyias urichi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllomyias urichi
Yungas TyrannuletPhyllomyias weedeni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllomyias weedeni
Chapman's Bristle-tyrantPhylloscartes chapmani (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscartes chapmani
Antioquia Bristle-tyrantPhylloscartes lanyoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscartes lanyoni
Venezuelan Bristle-tyrantPhylloscartes venezuelanus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscartes venezuelanus
Olive-green TyrannuletPhylloscartes virescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscartes virescens
Cinnamon-crested SpadebillPlatyrinchus saturatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Platyrinchus saturatus
Hazel-fronted Pygmy-tyrantPseudotriccus simplex (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pseudotriccus simplex
Fulvous-breasted FlatbillRhynchocyclus fulvipectus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus
Choco SirystesSirystes albogriseus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sirystes albogriseus
Chico's TyrannuletZimmerius chicomendesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zimmerius chicomendesi
Sangihe PittaErythropitta caeruleitorques (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythropitta caeruleitorques
D'entrecasteaux PittaErythropitta finschii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythropitta finschii
New Britain PittaErythropitta gazellae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythropitta gazellae
Talaud PittaErythropitta inspeculata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythropitta inspeculata
Louisiade PittaErythropitta meeki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythropitta meeki
New Ireland PittaErythropitta novaehibernicae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythropitta novaehibernicae
Siao PittaErythropitta palliceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythropitta palliceps
Seram PittaErythropitta piroensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythropitta piroensis
Buru PittaErythropitta rubrinucha (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythropitta rubrinucha
Tabar PittaErythropitta splendida (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythropitta splendida
Sulu PittaErythropitta yairocho (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythropitta yairocho
Giant PittaHydrornis caeruleus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hydrornis caeruleus
Bornean Banded-pittaHydrornis schwaneri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hydrornis schwaneri
Black-faced PittaPitta anerythra (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pitta anerythra
Superb PittaPitta superba (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pitta superba
Rufous Scrub-birdAtrichornis rufescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Atrichornis rufescens
Lesser Hoopoe-larkAlaemon hamertoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Alaemon hamertoni
Angola LarkMirafra angolensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mirafra angolensis
Ash's LarkMirafra ashi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mirafra ashi
Collared LarkMirafra collaris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mirafra collaris
Kordofan LarkMirafra cordofanica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mirafra cordofanica
Friedmann's LarkMirafra pulpa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mirafra pulpa
Rusty LarkMirafra rufa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mirafra rufa
Somali Long-billed LarkMirafra somalica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mirafra somalica
Obbia LarkSpizocorys obbiensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Spizocorys obbiensis
Black-and-rufous SwallowHirundo nigrorufa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hirundo nigrorufa
Pale-footed SwallowOrochelidon flavipes (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Orochelidon flavipes
Red Sea SwallowPetrochelidon perdita (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Petrochelidon perdita
Red-throated SwallowPetrochelidon rufigula (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Petrochelidon rufigula
Brazza's MartinPhedina brazzae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phedina brazzae
Mountain SawwingPsalidoprocne fuliginosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Psalidoprocne fuliginosa
African River MartinPseudochelidon eurystomina (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pseudochelidon eurystomina
White-eyed River MartinPseudochelidon sirintarae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pseudochelidon sirintarae
Gray-throated MartinRiparia chinensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Riparia chinensis
Short-tailed PipitAnthus brachyurus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Anthus brachyurus
Pampas PipitAnthus chacoensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Anthus chacoensis
Yellow-tufted PipitAnthus crenatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Anthus crenatus
Grimwood's LongclawMacronyx grimwoodi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Macronyx grimwoodi
Blackish CuckooshrikeAnalisoma coerulescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Analisoma coerulescens
White-winged CuckooshrikeAnalisoma ostenta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Analisoma ostenta
Buru CuckooshrikeCoracina fortis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coracina fortis
Grauer's CuckooshrikeCoracina graueri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coracina graueri
Manus CuckooshrikeCoracina ingens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coracina ingens
Wallacean CuckooshrikeCoracina personata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coracina personata
Slaty CuckooshrikeCoracina schistacea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coracina schistacea
North Melanesian CuckooshrikeCoracina welchmani (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coracina welchmani
Manus CicadabirdEdolisoma admiralitatis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Edolisoma admiralitatis
Kai CicadabirdEdolisoma dispar (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Edolisoma dispar
Pale-shouldered CicadabirdEdolisoma dohertyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Edolisoma dohertyi
Solomons CuckooshrikeEdolisoma holopolium (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Edolisoma holopolium
Papuan CicadabirdEdolisoma incertum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Edolisoma incertum
Black-bibbed CuckooshrikeEdolisoma mindanense (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Edolisoma mindanense
Sulawesi CicadabirdEdolisoma morio (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Edolisoma morio
Makira CicadabirdEdolisoma salomonis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Edolisoma salomonis
Sula CicadabirdEdolisoma sula (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Edolisoma sula
Mussau TrillerLalage conjuncta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lalage conjuncta
White-rumped TrillerLalage leucopygialis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lalage leucopygialis
Black-and-white TrillerLalage melanoleuca (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lalage melanoleuca
White-browed TrillerLalage moesta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lalage moesta
Samoan TrillerLalage sharpei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lalage sharpei
Ghana CuckooshrikeLobotos lobatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lobotos lobatus
Oriole CuckooshrikeLobotos oriolinus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lobotos oriolinus
Togian Golden-bulbulAlophoixus aureus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Alophoixus aureus
Sula Golden-bulbulAlophoixus longirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Alophoixus longirostris
Buru Golden-bulbulAlophoixus mystacalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Alophoixus mystacalis
Sangihe Golden-bulbulAlophoixus platenae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Alophoixus platenae
Green-tailed BristlebillBleda eximius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Bleda eximius
Yellow-necked GreenbulChlorocichla falkensteini (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chlorocichla falkensteini
Prigogine's GreenbulChlorocichla prigoginei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chlorocichla prigoginei
White-bearded GreenbulCriniger ndussumensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Criniger ndussumensis
Ansorge's GreenbulEurillas ansorgei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eurillas ansorgei
Yellowish BulbulHypsipetes everetti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypsipetes everetti
Visayan BulbulHypsipetes guimarasensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypsipetes guimarasensis
Mindoro BulbulHypsipetes mindorensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypsipetes mindorensis
Moheli BulbulHypsipetes moheliensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypsipetes moheliensis
Grand Comoro BulbulHypsipetes parvirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypsipetes parvirostris
Zamboanga BulbulHypsipetes rufigularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypsipetes rufigularis
Streak-breasted BulbulHypsipetes siquijorensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypsipetes siquijorensis
Nicobar BulbulHypsipetes virescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypsipetes virescens
Olive BulbulIole virescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Iole virescens
Spotted GreenbulIxonotus guttatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ixonotus guttatus
Sunda BulbulIxos virescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ixos virescens
Black-collared BulbulNeolestes torquatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Neolestes torquatus
Usambara GreenbulPhyllastrephus albigula (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllastrephus albigula
Baumann's GreenbulPhyllastrephus baumanni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllastrephus baumanni
Tiny GreenbulPhyllastrephus debilis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllastrephus debilis
Fischer's GreenbulPhyllastrephus fischeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllastrephus fischeri
Pale-olive GreenbulPhyllastrephus fulviventris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllastrephus fulviventris
Toro Olive-greenbulPhyllastrephus hypochloris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllastrephus hypochloris
Icterine GreenbulPhyllastrephus icterinus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllastrephus icterinus
Liberian GreenbulPhyllastrephus leucolepis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllastrephus leucolepis
Sassi's GreenbulPhyllastrephus lorenzi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllastrephus lorenzi
Xavier's GreenbulPhyllastrephus xavieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllastrephus xavieri
Ashy-fronted BulbulPycnonotus cinereifrons (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pycnonotus cinereifrons
Andaman BulbulPycnonotus fuscoflavescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pycnonotus fuscoflavescens
Bare-faced BulbulPycnonotus hualon (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pycnonotus hualon
Blue-wattled BulbulPycnonotus nieuwenhuisii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pycnonotus nieuwenhuisii
Dusky TetrakaXanthomixis tenebrosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Xanthomixis tenebrosa
Philippine LeafbirdChloropsis flavipennis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chloropsis flavipennis
Sumatran LeafbirdChloropsis media (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chloropsis media
Blue-masked LeafbirdChloropsis venusta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chloropsis venusta
Gray WrenCantorchilus griseus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cantorchilus griseus
Merida WrenCistothorus meridae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cistothorus meridae
Black-throated WrenPheugopedius atrogularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pheugopedius atrogularis
Socorro WrenTroglodytes sissonii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Troglodytes sissonii
Socorro MockingbirdMimus graysoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mimus graysoni
Cozumel ThrasherToxostoma guttatum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Toxostoma guttatum
Yemen AccentorPrunella fagani (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Prunella fagani
Rusty-bellied ShortwingBrachypteryx hyperythra (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Brachypteryx hyperythra
Crossley's Ground-thrushGeokichla crossleyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla crossleyi
Seram ThrushGeokichla joiceyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla joiceyi
Red-and-black ThrushGeokichla mendeni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla mendeni
Oberlaender's Ground-thrushGeokichla oberlaenderi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla oberlaenderi
Orange-banded ThrushGeokichla peronii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla peronii
Gray Ground-thrushGeokichla princei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla princei
Slaty-backed ThrushGeokichla schistacea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla schistacea
Kivu Ground-thrushGeokichla tanganjicae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla tanganjicae
Great ShortwingHeinrichia calligyna (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Heinrichia calligyna
OlomaoMyadestes lanaiensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myadestes lanaiensis
KamaoMyadestes myadestinus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myadestes myadestinus
Chestnut-winged Whistling-thrushMyophonus castaneus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myophonus castaneus
Comoro ThrushTurdus bewsheri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdus bewsheri
Unicolored ThrushTurdus haplochrous (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdus haplochrous
Forest ThrushTurdus lherminieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdus lherminieri
Somali ThrushTurdus ludoviciae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdus ludoviciae
Bougainville ThrushZoothera atrigena (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoothera atrigena
GeomaliaZoothera heinrichi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoothera heinrichi
Fawn-breasted ThrushZoothera machiki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoothera machiki
Makira ThrushZoothera margaretae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoothera margaretae
New Britain ThrushZoothera talaseae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoothera talaseae
Guadalcanal ThrushZoothera turipavae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoothera turipavae
Kungwe ApalisApalis argentea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Apalis argentea
Chirinda ApalisApalis chirindensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Apalis chirindensis
Gosling's ApalisApalis goslingi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Apalis goslingi
Cloud-scraping CisticolaCisticola dambo (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cisticola dambo
Socotra CisticolaCisticola haesitatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cisticola haesitatus
Slender-tailed CisticolaCisticola melanurus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cisticola melanurus
Tana River CisticolaCisticola restrictus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cisticola restrictus
Cloud CisticolaCisticola textrix (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cisticola textrix
Socotra WarblerIncana incana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Incana incana
Swamp PriniaPrinia cinerascens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Prinia cinerascens
Gray-crowned PriniaPrinia cinereocapilla (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Prinia cinereocapilla
Roberts's PriniaPrinia robertsi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Prinia robertsi
Tarim BabblerRhopophilus albosuperciliaris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhopophilus albosuperciliaris
Sierra Leone PriniaSchistolais leontica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Schistolais leontica
Green LongtailUrolais epichlorus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Urolais epichlorus
Tahiti Reed-warblerAcrocephalus caffer (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus caffer
Basra Reed-warblerAcrocephalus griseldis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus griseldis
Cook Islands Reed-warblerAcrocephalus kerearako (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus kerearako
Moorea Reed-warblerAcrocephalus longirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus longirostris
Society Islands Reed-warblerAcrocephalus musae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus musae
Large-billed Reed-warblerAcrocephalus orinus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus orinus
Northern Marquesan Reed-warblerAcrocephalus percernis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus percernis
Nauru Reed-warblerAcrocephalus rehsei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus rehsei
Rimitara Reed-warblerAcrocephalus rimitarae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus rimitarae
Rodrigues WarblerAcrocephalus rodericanus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus rodericanus
Streaked Reed-warblerAcrocephalus sorghophilus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus sorghophilus
Henderson Island Reed-warblerAcrocephalus taiti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus taiti
Pitcairn Reed-warblerAcrocephalus vaughani (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acrocephalus vaughani
Sao Tome Short-tailAmaurocichla bocagii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Amaurocichla bocagii
African TailorbirdArtisornis metopias (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Artisornis metopias
Black-capped Rufous-warblerBathmocercus cerviniventris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Bathmocercus cerviniventris
Bamboo WarblerBradypterus alfredi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Bradypterus alfredi
Bangwa WarblerBradypterus bangwaensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Bradypterus bangwaensis
Brown Emu-tailBradypterus brunneus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Bradypterus brunneus
Dja River Swamp-warblerBradypterus grandis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Bradypterus grandis
Evergreen-forest WarblerBradypterus lopezi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Bradypterus lopezi
Buff-banded BushbirdBuettikoferella bivittata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Buettikoferella bivittata
Papyrus Yellow-warblerCalamonastides gracilirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Calamonastides gracilirostris
Chestnut-crowned Bush-warblerCettia major (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cettia major
Salvadori's EremomelaEremomela salvadorii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eremomela salvadorii
Indian GrassbirdGraminicola bengalensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Graminicola bengalensis
Palau Bush-warblerHorornis annae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Horornis annae
Hume's Bush-warblerHorornis brunnescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Horornis brunnescens
Tanimbar Bush-warblerHorornis carolinae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Horornis carolinae
OdediHorornis haddeni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Horornis haddeni
Shade WarblerHorornis parens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Horornis parens
Usambara HyliotaHyliota usambarae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hyliota usambarae
Long-tailed Bush-warblerLocustella caudata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Locustella caudata
West Himalayan Bush-warblerLocustella kashmirensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Locustella kashmirensis
Long-billed Bush-warblerLocustella major (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Locustella major
Javan Bush-warblerLocustella montis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Locustella montis
Timor Bush-warblerLocustella timorensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Locustella timorensis
Gray LongbillMacrosphenus concolor (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Macrosphenus concolor
Yellow LongbillMacrosphenus flavicans (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Macrosphenus flavicans
Kemp's LongbillMacrosphenus kempi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Macrosphenus kempi
Kretschmer's LongbillMacrosphenus kretschmeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Macrosphenus kretschmeri
Pulitzer's LongbillMacrosphenus pulitzeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Macrosphenus pulitzeri
Bismarck ThicketbirdMegalurulus grosvenori (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megalurulus grosvenori
Bougainville ThicketbirdMegalurulus llaneae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megalurulus llaneae
New Caledonian GrassbirdMegalurulus mariei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megalurulus mariei
Rusty ThicketbirdMegalurulus rubiginosus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megalurulus rubiginosus
Guadalcanal ThicketbirdMegalurulus whitneyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megalurulus whitneyi
Fly River GrassbirdMegalurus albolimbatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megalurus albolimbatus
Aldabra Brush-warblerNesillas aldabrana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nesillas aldabrana
Grand Comoro Brush-warblerNesillas brevicaudata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nesillas brevicaudata
Anjouan Brush-warblerNesillas longicaudata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nesillas longicaudata
Moheli Brush-warblerNesillas mariae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nesillas mariae
Philippine TailorbirdOrthotomus castaneiceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Orthotomus castaneiceps
Cambodian TailorbirdOrthotomus chaktomuk (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Orthotomus chaktomuk
Green-backed TailorbirdOrthotomus chloronotus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Orthotomus chloronotus
White-eared TailorbirdOrthotomus cinereiceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Orthotomus cinereiceps
White-browed TailorbirdOrthotomus nigriceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Orthotomus nigriceps
Rufous-headed TailorbirdPhyllergates heterolaemus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phyllergates heterolaemus
Kulambangra Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus amoenus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscopus amoenus
Lemon-throated WarblerPhylloscopus cebuensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscopus cebuensis
Hartert's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus goodsoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscopus goodsoni
Hainan Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus hainanus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscopus hainanus
Black-capped Woodland-warblerPhylloscopus herberti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscopus herberti
Gansu Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus kansuensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscopus kansuensis
Makira Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus makirensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscopus makirensis
Philippine Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus olivaceus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscopus olivaceus
Japanese Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus xanthodryas (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phylloscopus xanthodryas
Mrs. Moreau's WarblerScepomycter winifredae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Scepomycter winifredae
Martens's WarblerSeicercus omeiensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Seicercus omeiensis
Plain-tailed WarblerSeicercus soror (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Seicercus soror
Bianchi's WarblerSeicercus valentini (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Seicercus valentini
Yemen WarblerSylvia buryi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sylvia buryi
Margelanic WhitethroatSylvia margelanica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sylvia margelanica
Long-legged WarblerTrichocichla rufa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Trichocichla rufa
Pale-footed Bush-warblerUrosphena pallidipes (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Urosphena pallidipes
Iquitos GnatcatcherPolioptila clementsi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Polioptila clementsi
Forest Scrub-robinCercotrichas leucosticta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cercotrichas leucosticta
Sumatran CochoaCochoa beccarii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cochoa beccarii
Purple CochoaCochoa purpurea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cochoa purpurea
Olive-flanked Robin-chatCossypha anomala (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cossypha anomala
Blue-shouldered Robin-chatCossypha cyanocampter (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cossypha cyanocampter
White-headed Robin-chatCossypha heinrichi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cossypha heinrichi
Zappey's FlycatcherCyanoptila cumatilis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cyanoptila cumatilis
Henna-tailed Jungle-flycatcherCyornis colonus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cyornis colonus
Blue-breasted FlycatcherCyornis herioti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cyornis herioti
Timor Blue-flycatcherCyornis hyacinthinus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cyornis hyacinthinus
Nicobar Jungle-flycatcherCyornis nicobaricus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cyornis nicobaricus
Rueck's Blue-flycatcherCyornis ruckii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cyornis ruckii
Little Slaty FlycatcherFicedula basilanica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula basilanica
Lompobattang FlycatcherFicedula bonthaina (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula bonthaina
Cinnamon-chested FlycatcherFicedula buruensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula buruensis
Russet-tailed FlycatcherFicedula crypta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula crypta
Furtive FlycatcherFicedula disposita (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula disposita
Rufous-chested FlycatcherFicedula dumetoria (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula dumetoria
Sumba FlycatcherFicedula harterti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula harterti
Damar FlycatcherFicedula henrici (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula henrici
Pygmy Blue-flycatcherFicedula hodgsoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula hodgsoni
Bundok FlycatcherFicedula luzoniensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula luzoniensis
Palawan FlycatcherFicedula platenae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula platenae
Tanimbar FlycatcherFicedula riedeli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ficedula riedeli
Grand Comoro FlycatcherHumblotia flavirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Humblotia flavirostris
Sooty FlycatcherMuscicapa infuscata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Muscicapa infuscata
Chapin's FlycatcherMuscicapa lendu (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Muscicapa lendu
Olivaceous FlycatcherMuscicapa olivascens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Muscicapa olivascens
Sulawesi Streaked FlycatcherMuscicapa sodhi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Muscicapa sodhi
Tessmann's FlycatcherMuscicapa tessmanni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Muscicapa tessmanni
Ruaha ChatMyrmecocichla collaris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myrmecocichla collaris
Somali WheatearOenanthe phillipsi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oenanthe phillipsi
Rubeho AkalatSheppardia aurantiithorax (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sheppardia aurantiithorax
Gabela AkalatSheppardia gabela (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sheppardia gabela
Iringa AkalatSheppardia lowei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sheppardia lowei
Usambara AkalatSheppardia montana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sheppardia montana
Sharpe's AkalatSheppardia sharpei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sheppardia sharpei
Dohrn's Thrush-babblerSylvia dohrni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sylvia dohrni
Mindanao Jungle-flycatcherVauriella goodfellowi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vauriella goodfellowi
Rusty-flanked Jungle-flycatcherVauriella insignis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vauriella insignis
Dark BatisBatis crypta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Batis crypta
Ituri BatisBatis ituriensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Batis ituriensis
Verreaux's BatisBatis minima (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Batis minima
Angola BatisBatis minulla (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Batis minulla
Bioko BatisBatis poensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Batis poensis
Black-necked Wattle-eyePlatysteira chalybea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Platysteira chalybea
West African Wattle-eyePlatysteira hormophora (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Platysteira hormophora
Jameson's Wattle-eyePlatysteira jamesoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Platysteira jamesoni
White-spotted Wattle-eyePlatysteira tonsa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Platysteira tonsa
Bismarck FantailRhipidura dahli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura dahli
Brown FantailRhipidura drownei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura drownei
White-bellied FantailRhipidura euryura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura euryura
Cinnamon-tailed FantailRhipidura fuscorufa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura fuscorufa
Pohnpei FantailRhipidura kubaryi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura kubaryi
White-bellied Thicket-fantailRhipidura leucothorax (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura leucothorax
Black Thicket-fantailRhipidura maculipectus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura maculipectus
Malaita FantailRhipidura malaitae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura malaitae
Mussau FantailRhipidura matthiae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura matthiae
Philippine Pied-fantailRhipidura nigritorquis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura nigritorquis
Long-tailed FantailRhipidura opistherythra (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura opistherythra
Kadavu FantailRhipidura personata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura personata
Rennell FantailRhipidura rennelliana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura rennelliana
Rufous-backed FantailRhipidura rufidorsa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura rufidorsa
Visayan Blue-fantailRhipidura samarensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura samarensis
Tablas FantailRhipidura sauli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura sauli
Manus FantailRhipidura semirubra (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura semirubra
Tawny-backed FantailRhipidura superflua (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura superflua
Dusky FantailRhipidura tenebrosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhipidura tenebrosa
Loetoe MonarchCarterornis castus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Carterornis castus
Dusky Crested-flycatcherElminia nigromitrata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Elminia nigromitrata
Yellow FlycatcherErythrocercus holochlorus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythrocercus holochlorus
Cerulean Paradise-flycatcherEutrichomyias rowleyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Eutrichomyias rowleyi
Celestial MonarchHypothymis coelestis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypothymis coelestis
Vanikoro MonarchMayrornis schistaceus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mayrornis schistaceus
Bougainville MonarchMonarcha erythrostictus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Monarcha erythrostictus
Yap MonarchMonarcha godeffroyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Monarcha godeffroyi
White-capped MonarchMonarcha richardsii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Monarcha richardsii
Tinian MonarchMonarcha takatsukasae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Monarcha takatsukasae
Ochre-headed FlycatcherMyiagra cervinicauda (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myiagra cervinicauda
Palau FlycatcherMyiagra erythrops (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myiagra erythrops
Steel-blue FlycatcherMyiagra ferrocyanea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myiagra ferrocyanea
Dull FlycatcherMyiagra hebetior (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myiagra hebetior
Pohnpei FlycatcherMyiagra pluto (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myiagra pluto
Buff-bellied MonarchNeolalage banksiana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Neolalage banksiana
Iphis MonarchPomarea iphis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pomarea iphis
Marquesas MonarchPomarea mendozae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pomarea mendozae
Ua Pou MonarchPomarea mira (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pomarea mira
Tahiti MonarchPomarea nigra (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pomarea nigra
Fatuhiva MonarchPomarea whitneyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pomarea whitneyi
Black-and-white MonarchSymposiachrus barbatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Symposiachrus barbatus
Biak MonarchSymposiachrus brehmii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Symposiachrus brehmii
White-tipped MonarchSymposiachrus everetti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Symposiachrus everetti
Manus MonarchSymposiachrus infelix (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Symposiachrus infelix
White-tailed MonarchSymposiachrus leucurus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Symposiachrus leucurus
Hooded MonarchSymposiachrus manadensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Symposiachrus manadensis
White-breasted MonarchSymposiachrus menckei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Symposiachrus menckei
Black-bibbed MonarchSymposiachrus mundus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Symposiachrus mundus
Rufous MonarchSymposiachrus rubiensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Symposiachrus rubiensis
Black-tailed MonarchSymposiachrus verticalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Symposiachrus verticalis
White-collared MonarchSymposiachrus vidua (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Symposiachrus vidua
Bates's Paradise-flycatcherTerpsiphone batesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Terpsiphone batesi
Bedford's Paradise-flycatcherTerpsiphone bedfordi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Terpsiphone bedfordi
Blue-headed Crested-flycatcherTrochocercus nitens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Trochocercus nitens
Papuan Scrub-robinDrymodes beccarii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Drymodes beccarii
Yellow-legged FlycatcherMicroeca griseoceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Microeca griseoceps
Golden-bellied FlyrobinMicroeca hemixantha (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Microeca hemixantha
White-eyed RobinPachycephalopsis poliosoma (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephalopsis poliosoma
Black-chinned RobinPoecilodryas brachyura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Poecilodryas brachyura
Olive-yellow RobinPoecilodryas placens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Poecilodryas placens
White-bellied PitohuiColluricincla incerta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Colluricincla incerta
Sooty ShrikethrushColluricincla tenebrosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Colluricincla tenebrosa
Maroon-backed WhistlerCoracornis raveni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coracornis raveni
Sangihe WhistlerCoracornis sanghirensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Coracornis sanghirensis
GoldenfacePachycare flavogriseum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycare flavogriseum
Wallacean WhistlerPachycephala arctitorquis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala arctitorquis
Golden-backed WhistlerPachycephala aurea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala aurea
New Caledonian WhistlerPachycephala caledonica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala caledonica
Vanuatu WhistlerPachycephala chlorura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala chlorura
Bismarck WhistlerPachycephala citreogaster (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala citreogaster
Louisiade WhistlerPachycephala collaris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala collaris
Rennell WhistlerPachycephala feminina (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala feminina
Samoan WhistlerPachycephala flavifrons (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala flavifrons
Rusty-breasted WhistlerPachycephala fulvotincta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala fulvotincta
Drab WhistlerPachycephala griseonota (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala griseonota
Guadalcanal Hooded WhistlerPachycephala implicata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala implicata
Black-chinned WhistlerPachycephala mentalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala mentalis
Black-headed WhistlerPachycephala monacha (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala monacha
Oriole WhistlerPachycephala orioloides (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala orioloides
Fawn-breasted WhistlerPachycephala orpheus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala orpheus
Bougainville Hooded WhistlerPachycephala richardsi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala richardsi
MorningbirdPachycephala tenebrosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala tenebrosa
Temotu WhistlerPachycephala utupuae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala utupuae
Fiji WhistlerPachycephala vitiensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachycephala vitiensis
Variable PitohuiPitohui kirhocephalus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pitohui kirhocephalus
Mottled BerryhunterRhagologus leucostigma (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhagologus leucostigma
Streaked BarwingActinodura souliei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Actinodura souliei
Black-browed FulvettaAlcippe grotei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Alcippe grotei
Gold-fronted FulvettaAlcippe variegaticeps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Alcippe variegaticeps
Dapple-throatArcanator orostruthus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Arcanator orostruthus
Spotted CrociasCrocias albonotatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crocias albonotatus
Buff-chested BabblerCyanoderma ambiguum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cyanoderma ambiguum
Visayan Pygmy-babblerDasycrotapha pygmaea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dasycrotapha pygmaea
Spotted ElachuraElachura formosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Elachura formosa
Collared BabblerGampsorhynchus torquatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gampsorhynchus torquatus
Cambodian LaughingthrushGarrulax ferrarius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Garrulax ferrarius
Black LaughingthrushGarrulax lugubris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Garrulax lugubris
Black-hooded LaughingthrushGarrulax milleti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Garrulax milleti
Wynaad LaughingthrushIanthocincla delesserti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ianthocincla delesserti
Rufous-vented LaughingthrushIanthocincla gularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ianthocincla gularis
Chestnut-eared LaughingthrushIanthocincla konkakinhensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ianthocincla konkakinhensis
Chestnut-backed LaughingthrushIanthocincla nuchalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ianthocincla nuchalis
Blackcap IlladopsisIlladopsis cleaveri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Illadopsis cleaveri
Brown IlladopsisIlladopsis fulvescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Illadopsis fulvescens
Rufous-winged IlladopsisIlladopsis rufescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Illadopsis rufescens
Pale-breasted IlladopsisIlladopsis rufipennis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Illadopsis rufipennis
Gray-chested IlladopsisKakamega poliothorax (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Kakamega poliothorax
Bagobo RobinLeonardina woodi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Leonardina woodi
Brown Tit-babblerMacronus striaticeps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Macronus striaticeps
Rufous-crowned BabblerMalacopteron magnum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malacopteron magnum
MaliaMalia grata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malia grata
Gray-sided Scimitar-babblerMegapomatorhinus swinhoei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megapomatorhinus swinhoei
Leyte Plumed-warblerMicromacronus leytensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Micromacronus leytensis
Mindanao Plumed-warblerMicromacronus sordidus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Micromacronus sordidus
Bold-striped Tit-babblerMixornis bornensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Mixornis bornensis
Spot-throatModulatrix stictigula (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Modulatrix stictigula
White-throated Wren-babblerNapothera pasquieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Napothera pasquieri
Sumatran BabblerPellorneum buettikoferi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pellorneum buettikoferi
Ashy-headed BabblerPellorneum cinereiceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pellorneum cinereiceps
Marsh BabblerPellorneum palustre (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pellorneum palustre
Chinese CupwingPnoepyga mutica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pnoepyga mutica
Clicking Shrike-babblerPteruthius intermedius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pteruthius intermedius
Himalayan Shrike-babblerPteruthius ripleyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pteruthius ripleyi
Bornean Wren-babblerPtilocichla leucogrammica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilocichla leucogrammica
Cordillera Ground-warblerRobsonius rabori (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Robsonius rabori
Bicol Ground-warblerRobsonius sorsogonensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Robsonius sorsogonensis
Sierra Madre Ground-warblerRobsonius thompsoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Robsonius thompsoni
Rusty-throated Wren-babblerSpelaeornis badeigularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Spelaeornis badeigularis
Pale-throated Wren-babblerSpelaeornis kinneari (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Spelaeornis kinneari
Tawny-breasted Wren-babblerSpelaeornis longicaudatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Spelaeornis longicaudatus
Chin Hills Wren-babblerSpelaeornis oatesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Spelaeornis oatesi
Gray-bellied Wren-babblerSpelaeornis reptatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Spelaeornis reptatus
Chevron-breasted BabblerSphenocichla roberti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sphenocichla roberti
White-breasted BabblerStachyris grammiceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Stachyris grammiceps
Snowy-throated BabblerStachyris oglei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Stachyris oglei
White-bibbed BabblerStachyris thoracica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Stachyris thoracica
Golden-crowned BabblerSterrhoptilus dennistouni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sterrhoptilus dennistouni
Black-crowned BabblerSterrhoptilus nigrocapitatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sterrhoptilus nigrocapitatus
Striped LaughingthrushTrochalopteron virgatum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Trochalopteron virgatum
Black-throated Wren-babblerTurdinus atrigularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdinus atrigularis
Large Wren-babblerTurdinus macrodactylus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdinus macrodactylus
Chapin's Mountain-babblerTurdoides chapini (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdoides chapini
Slender-billed BabblerTurdoides longirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdoides longirostris
Dusky BabblerTurdoides tenebrosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdoides tenebrosa
Panay Striped-babblerZosterornis latistriatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterornis latistriatus
Negros Striped-babblerZosterornis nigrorum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterornis nigrorum
Luzon Striped-babblerZosterornis striatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterornis striatus
Rusty-throated ParrotbillSinosuthora przewalskii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sinosuthora przewalskii
Papuan WhipbirdAndrophobus viridis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Androphobus viridis
Painted Quail-thrushCinclosoma ajax (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinclosoma ajax
Nullarbor Quail-thrushCinclosoma alisteri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinclosoma alisteri
Western Quail-thrushCinclosoma marginatum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinclosoma marginatum
Blue Jewel-babblerPtilorrhoa caerulescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilorrhoa caerulescens
Chestnut-backed Jewel-babblerPtilorrhoa castanonota (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilorrhoa castanonota
Spotted Jewel-babblerPtilorrhoa leucosticta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptilorrhoa leucosticta
White-throated TitAegithalos niveogularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aegithalos niveogularis
Carpentarian GrasswrenAmytornis dorotheae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Amytornis dorotheae
Campbell's FairywrenChenorhamphus campbelli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chenorhamphus campbelli
Broad-billed FairywrenChenorhamphus grayi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chenorhamphus grayi
Orange-crowned FairywrenClytomyias insignis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Clytomyias insignis
Gray ThornbillAcanthiza cinerea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acanthiza cinerea
Slender-billed ThornbillAcanthiza iredalei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acanthiza iredalei
Slaty-backed ThornbillAcanthiza robustirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Acanthiza robustirostris
Rusty Mouse-warblerCrateroscelis murina (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crateroscelis murina
Bicolored Mouse-warblerCrateroscelis nigrorufa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Crateroscelis nigrorufa
Chatham Island GerygoneGerygone albofrontata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gerygone albofrontata
Yellow-bellied GerygoneGerygone chrysogaster (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gerygone chrysogaster
Rufous-sided GerygoneGerygone dorsalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gerygone dorsalis
Biak GerygoneGerygone hypoxantha (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gerygone hypoxantha
Plain GerygoneGerygone inornata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gerygone inornata
Dusky GerygoneGerygone tenebrosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gerygone tenebrosa
Gray-green ScrubwrenSericornis arfakianus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sericornis arfakianus
Tropical ScrubwrenSericornis beccarii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sericornis beccarii
Large ScrubwrenSericornis nouhuysi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sericornis nouhuysi
Buff-faced ScrubwrenSericornis perspicillatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sericornis perspicillatus
Pale-billed ScrubwrenSericornis spilodera (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sericornis spilodera
Somali TitMelaniparus thruppi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melaniparus thruppi
Pere David's TitPoecile davidi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Poecile davidi
Caspian TitPoecile hyrcanus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Poecile hyrcanus
Algerian NuthatchSitta ledanti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sitta ledanti
Long-billed RhabdornisRhabdornis grandis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhabdornis grandis
Apo SunbirdAethopyga boltoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aethopyga boltoni
Bohol SunbirdAethopyga decorosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aethopyga decorosa
Elegant SunbirdAethopyga duyvenbodei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aethopyga duyvenbodei
Maroon-naped SunbirdAethopyga guimarasensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aethopyga guimarasensis
Mountain SunbirdAethopyga jefferyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aethopyga jefferyi
Lina's SunbirdAethopyga linaraborae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aethopyga linaraborae
Gray-hooded SunbirdAethopyga primigenia (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aethopyga primigenia
Tboli SunbirdAethopyga tibolii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aethopyga tibolii
Principe SunbirdAnabathmis hartlaubii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Anabathmis hartlaubii
Uluguru Violet-backed SunbirdAnthreptes neglectus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Anthreptes neglectus
Plain-backed SunbirdAnthreptes reichenowi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Anthreptes reichenowi
Orange-tufted SpiderhunterArachnothera flammifera (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Arachnothera flammifera
Bates's SunbirdCinnyris batesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris batesi
Orange-tufted SunbirdCinnyris bouvieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris bouvieri
Violet-breasted SunbirdCinnyris chalcomelas (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris chalcomelas
Anjouan SunbirdCinnyris comorensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris comorensis
Congo SunbirdCinnyris congensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris congensis
Mayotte SunbirdCinnyris coquerellii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris coquerellii
Humblot's SunbirdCinnyris humbloti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris humbloti
Loveridge's SunbirdCinnyris loveridgei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris loveridgei
Tiny SunbirdCinnyris minullus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris minullus
Moreau's SunbirdCinnyris moreaui (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris moreaui
Oustalet's SunbirdCinnyris oustaleti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris oustaleti
Prigogine's SunbirdCinnyris prigoginei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris prigoginei
Rockefeller's SunbirdCinnyris rockefelleri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris rockefelleri
Rufous-winged SunbirdCinnyris rufipennis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris rufipennis
Shelley's SunbirdCinnyris shelleyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris shelleyi
Tsavo SunbirdCinnyris tsavoensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris tsavoensis
Ursula's SunbirdCinnyris ursulae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cinnyris ursulae
Gray-headed SunbirdDeleornis axillaris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Deleornis axillaris
Bocage's SunbirdNectarinia bocagei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nectarinia bocagei
Obscure HoneyeaterCaligavis obscura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caligavis obscura
Black-throated HoneyeaterCaligavis subfrenata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caligavis subfrenata
Vanuatu HoneyeaterGliciphila notabilis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gliciphila notabilis
Mid-mountain BerrypeckerMelanocharis longicauda (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melanocharis longicauda
Streaked BerrypeckerMelanocharis striativentris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melanocharis striativentris
Makira HoneyeaterMeliarchus sclateri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliarchus sclateri
Kadavu HoneyeaterMeliphacator provocator (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliphacator provocator
Spectacled LongbillOedistoma iliolophus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oedistoma iliolophus
Pygmy LongbillOedistoma pygmaeum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oedistoma pygmaeum
Slaty-chinned LongbillToxorhamphus poliopterus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Toxorhamphus poliopterus
Bismarck HoneyeaterVosea whitemanensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vosea whitemanensis
Tit BerrypeckerOreocharis arfaki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oreocharis arfaki
Midget FlowerpeckerDicaeum aeneum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicaeum aeneum
Black-fronted FlowerpeckerDicaeum igniferum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicaeum igniferum
Plain FlowerpeckerDicaeum minullum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicaeum minullum
Olive-capped FlowerpeckerDicaeum nigrilore (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicaeum nigrilore
Louisiade FlowerpeckerDicaeum nitidum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicaeum nitidum
Whiskered FlowerpeckerDicaeum proprium (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicaeum proprium
Mottled FlowerpeckerDicaeum tristrami (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicaeum tristrami
Golden White-eyeCleptornis marchei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cleptornis marchei
Cinnamon IbonHypocryptadius cinnamomeus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus
Dark-crowned White-eyeLophozosterops dohertyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lophozosterops dohertyi
Mindanao White-eyeLophozosterops goodfellowi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lophozosterops goodfellowi
Gray-hooded White-eyeLophozosterops pinaiae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lophozosterops pinaiae
MadangaMadanga ruficollis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Madanga ruficollis
Giant White-eyeMegazosterops palauensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Megazosterops palauensis
Long-billed White-eyeRukia longirostra (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rukia longirostra
Rufescent White-eyeTephrozosterops stalkeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tephrozosterops stalkeri
Sanford's White-eyeWoodfordia lacertosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Woodfordia lacertosa
White-chested White-eyeZosterops albogularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops albogularis
Aldabra White-eyeZosterops aldabrensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops aldabrensis
Anjouan White-eyeZosterops anjouanensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops anjouanensis
Bioko SpeiropsZosterops brunneus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops brunneus
Gray-brown White-eyeZosterops cinereus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops cinereus
Moheli White-eyeZosterops comorensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops comorensis
Sulawesi White-eyeZosterops consobrinorum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops consobrinorum
Bridled White-eyeZosterops conspicillatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops conspicillatus
Dusky White-eyeZosterops finschii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops finschii
Yellow-fronted White-eyeZosterops flavifrons (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops flavifrons
Vanikoro White-eyeZosterops gibbsi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops gibbsi
Great Kai White-eyeZosterops grayi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops grayi
Louisiade White-eyeZosterops griseotinctus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops griseotinctus
Annobon White-eyeZosterops griseovirescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops griseovirescens
Plain White-eyeZosterops hypolais (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops hypolais
Black-headed White-eyeZosterops hypoxanthus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops hypoxanthus
Large Lifou White-eyeZosterops inornatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops inornatus
Kirk's White-eyeZosterops kirki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops kirki
Solomons White-eyeZosterops kulambangrae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops kulambangrae
Splendid White-eyeZosterops luteirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops luteirostris
Tagula White-eyeZosterops meeki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops meeki
Yellow-throated White-eyeZosterops metcalfii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops metcalfii
Black-fronted White-eyeZosterops minor (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops minor
Small Lifou White-eyeZosterops minutus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops minutus
Comoro White-eyeZosterops mouroniensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops mouroniensis
Kulambangra White-eyeZosterops murphyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops murphyi
Sangihe White-eyeZosterops nehrkorni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops nehrkorni
Yap White-eyeZosterops oleagineus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops oleagineus
Rota White-eyeZosterops rotensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops rotensis
Samoan White-eyeZosterops samoensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops samoensis
Santa Cruz White-eyeZosterops santaecrucis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops santaecrucis
Ganongga White-eyeZosterops splendidus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops splendidus
Seram White-eyeZosterops stalkeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops stalkeri
Malaita White-eyeZosterops stresemanni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops stresemanni
Lord Howe White-eyeZosterops tephropleurus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops tephropleurus
Gray-throated White-eyeZosterops ugiensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops ugiensis
Little Kai White-eyeZosterops uropygialis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops uropygialis
Banded White-eyeZosterops vellalavella (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops vellalavella
Yellow-spectacled White-eyeZosterops wallacei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops wallacei
Green-backed White-eyeZosterops xanthochroa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zosterops xanthochroa
Gray HoneyeaterConopophila whitei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Conopophila whitei
Western Wattled-honeyeaterFoulehaio procerior (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Foulehaio procerior
Northern Wattled-honeyeaterFoulehaio taviuensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Foulehaio taviuensis
Guadalcanal HoneyeaterGuadalcanaria inexpectata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Guadalcanaria inexpectata
MaoGymnomyza samoensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gymnomyza samoensis
Buru HoneyeaterLichmera deningeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lichmera deningeri
Yellow-eared HoneyeaterLichmera flavicans (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lichmera flavicans
Seram HoneyeaterLichmera monticola (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lichmera monticola
Black-chested HoneyeaterLichmera notabilis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lichmera notabilis
White-tufted HoneyeaterLichmera squamata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lichmera squamata
Huon MelidectesMelidectes foersteri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melidectes foersteri
Vogelkop MelidectesMelidectes leucostephes (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melidectes leucostephes
Cinnamon-browed MelidectesMelidectes ochromelas (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melidectes ochromelas
Long-bearded MelidectesMelidectes princeps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melidectes princeps
Long-billed HoneyeaterMelilestes megarhynchus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melilestes megarhynchus
Scrub HoneyeaterMeliphaga albonotata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliphaga albonotata
Mimic HoneyeaterMeliphaga analoga (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliphaga analoga
Yellow-gaped HoneyeaterMeliphaga flavirictus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliphaga flavirictus
Kimberley HoneyeaterMeliphaga fordiana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliphaga fordiana
Spot-breasted MeliphagaMeliphaga mimikae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliphaga mimikae
Forest HoneyeaterMeliphaga montana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliphaga montana
Streak-breasted HoneyeaterMeliphaga reticulata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliphaga reticulata
Tagula HoneyeaterMeliphaga vicina (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliphaga vicina
Spangled HoneyeaterMelipotes ater (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melipotes ater
Foja HoneyeaterMelipotes carolae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melipotes carolae
White-streaked FriarbirdMelitograis gilolensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melitograis gilolensis
White-eared MyzaMyza sarasinorum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myza sarasinorum
White-chinned MyzomelaMyzomela albigula (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela albigula
Seram MyzomelaMyzomela blasii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela blasii
Banda MyzomelaMyzomela boiei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela boiei
New Caledonian MyzomelaMyzomela caledonica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela caledonica
Rotuma MyzomelaMyzomela chermesina (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela chermesina
Ashy MyzomelaMyzomela cineracea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela cineracea
Yellow-vented MyzomelaMyzomela eichhorni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela eichhorni
Black-bellied MyzomelaMyzomela erythromelas (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela erythromelas
Crimson-hooded MyzomelaMyzomela kuehni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela kuehni
Scarlet-naped MyzomelaMyzomela lafargei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela lafargei
Red-bellied MyzomelaMyzomela malaitae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela malaitae
Black-headed MyzomelaMyzomela melanocephala (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela melanocephala
Bismarck Black MyzomelaMyzomela pammelaena (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela pammelaena
New Ireland MyzomelaMyzomela pulchella (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela pulchella
Sclater's MyzomelaMyzomela sclateri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela sclateri
Sooty MyzomelaMyzomela tristrami (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela tristrami
Black-breasted MyzomelaMyzomela vulnerata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myzomela vulnerata
White-naped FriarbirdPhilemon albitorques (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Philemon albitorques
Brass's FriarbirdPhilemon brassi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Philemon brassi
New Ireland FriarbirdPhilemon eichhorni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Philemon eichhorni
Dusky FriarbirdPhilemon fuscicapillus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Philemon fuscicapillus
Timor FriarbirdPhilemon inornatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Philemon inornatus
Gray FriarbirdPhilemon kisserensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Philemon kisserensis
Black-faced FriarbirdPhilemon moluccensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Philemon moluccensis
Rufous-sided HoneyeaterPtiloprora erythropleura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptiloprora erythropleura
Mayr's HoneyeaterPtiloprora mayri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptiloprora mayri
Yellow-streaked HoneyeaterPtiloprora meekiana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptiloprora meekiana
Leaden HoneyeaterPtiloprora plumbea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ptiloprora plumbea
Streak-headed HoneyeaterPycnopygius stictocephalus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pycnopygius stictocephalus
Bougainville HoneyeaterStresemannia bougainvillei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Stresemannia bougainvillei
Olive StraightbillTimeliopsis fulvigula (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Timeliopsis fulvigula
Tawny StraightbillTimeliopsis griseigula (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Timeliopsis griseigula
White-lored OrioleOriolus albiloris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oriolus albiloris
Buru OrioleOriolus bouroensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oriolus bouroensis
Tanimbar OrioleOriolus decipiens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oriolus decipiens
Black OrioleOriolus hosii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oriolus hosii
Isabela OrioleOriolus isabellae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oriolus isabellae
Timor OrioleOriolus melanotis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oriolus melanotis
Silver OrioleOriolus mellianus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oriolus mellianus
Wetar FigbirdSphecotheres hypoleucus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sphecotheres hypoleucus
Red-eyed PuffbackDryoscopus senegalensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dryoscopus senegalensis
Gabela BushshrikeLaniarius amboimensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Laniarius amboimensis
Braun's BushshrikeLaniarius brauni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Laniarius brauni
Somali BoubouLaniarius erlangeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Laniarius erlangeri
Mountain Sooty BoubouLaniarius poensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Laniarius poensis
Zanzibar BoubouLaniarius sublacteus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Laniarius sublacteus
Turati's BoubouLaniarius turatii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Laniarius turatii
Willard's Sooty BoubouLaniarius willardi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Laniarius willardi
Uluguru BushshrikeMalaconotus alius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malaconotus alius
Fiery-breasted BushshrikeMalaconotus cruentus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malaconotus cruentus
Green-breasted BushshrikeMalaconotus gladiator (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malaconotus gladiator
Lagden's BushshrikeMalaconotus lagdeni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malaconotus lagdeni
Monteiro's BushshrikeMalaconotus monteiri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malaconotus monteiri
Yellow-crested HelmetshrikePrionops alberti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Prionops alberti
Rufous-bellied HelmetshrikePrionops rufiventris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Prionops rufiventris
Aldabra DrongoDicrurus aldabranus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicrurus aldabranus
Shining DrongoDicrurus atripennis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicrurus atripennis
Comoro DrongoDicrurus fuscipennis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicrurus fuscipennis
Tablas DrongoDicrurus menagei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicrurus menagei
Sumatran DrongoDicrurus sumatranus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicrurus sumatranus
Mayotte DrongoDicrurus waldenii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dicrurus waldenii
Torrent-larkGrallina bruijni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Grallina bruijni
Bismarck WoodswallowArtamus insignis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Artamus insignis
Tagula ButcherbirdCracticus louisiadensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cracticus louisiadensis
Huon AstrapiaAstrapia rothschildi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Astrapia rothschildi
Yellow-breasted SatinbirdLoboparadisea sericea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Loboparadisea sericea
Crinkle-collared ManucodeManucodia chalybatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Manucodia chalybatus
Curl-crested ManucodeManucodia comrii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Manucodia comrii
Long-tailed ParadigallaParadigalla carunculata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Paradigalla carunculata
Emperor Bird-of-paradiseParadisaea guilielmi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Paradisaea guilielmi
Bronze ParotiaParotia berlepschi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Parotia berlepschi
Carola's ParotiaParotia carolae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Parotia carolae
Wahnes's ParotiaParotia wahnesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Parotia wahnesi
Golden-fronted BowerbirdAmblyornis flavifrons (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Amblyornis flavifrons
Macgregor's BowerbirdAmblyornis macgregoriae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Amblyornis macgregoriae
Streaked BowerbirdAmblyornis subalaris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Amblyornis subalaris
Sanford's BowerbirdArchboldia sanfordi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Archboldia sanfordi
Yellow-breasted BowerbirdChlamydera lauterbachi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chlamydera lauterbachi
Fire-maned BowerbirdSericulus bakeri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sericulus bakeri
Somali CrowCorvus edithae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Corvus edithae
Hawaiian CrowCorvus hawaiiensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Corvus hawaiiensis
Bismarck CrowCorvus insularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Corvus insularis
Mariana CrowCorvus kubaryi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Corvus kubaryi
Bougainville CrowCorvus meeki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Corvus meeki
Banggai CrowCorvus unicolor (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Corvus unicolor
Guadalcanal CrowCorvus woodfordi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Corvus woodfordi
Silvery-throated JayCyanolyca argentigula (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cyanolyca argentigula
Kashmir NutcrackerNucifraga multipunctata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nucifraga multipunctata
Sichuan JayPerisoreus internigrans (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Perisoreus internigrans
Samoan StarlingAplonis atrifusca (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis atrifusca
White-eyed StarlingAplonis brunneicapillus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis brunneicapillus
Rarotonga StarlingAplonis cinerascens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis cinerascens
Tanimbar StarlingAplonis crassa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis crassa
Makira StarlingAplonis dichroa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis dichroa
Atoll StarlingAplonis feadensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis feadensis
Brown-winged StarlingAplonis grandis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis grandis
Rennell StarlingAplonis insularis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis insularis
Moluccan StarlingAplonis mysolensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis mysolensis
Yellow-eyed StarlingAplonis mystacea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis mystacea
Pohnpei StarlingAplonis pelzelni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis pelzelni
Mountain StarlingAplonis santovestris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis santovestris
Rusty-winged StarlingAplonis zelandica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Aplonis zelandica
Enggano MynaGracula enganensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gracula enganensis
Nias MynaGracula robusta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gracula robusta
Copper-tailed StarlingHylopsar cupreocauda (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hylopsar cupreocauda
Bare-eyed MynaStreptocitta albertinae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Streptocitta albertinae
Afghan SnowfinchMontifringilla theresae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Montifringilla theresae
Somali SparrowPasser castanopterus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Passer castanopterus
Kordofan Rufous SparrowPasser cordofanicus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Passer cordofanicus
Arabian Golden SparrowPasser euchlorus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Passer euchlorus
Abd Al Kuri SparrowPasser hemileucus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Passer hemileucus
Rodrigues FodyFoudia flavicans (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Foudia flavicans
Ballman's MalimbeMalimbus ballmanni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malimbus ballmanni
Red-crowned MalimbeMalimbus coronatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malimbus coronatus
Red-bellied MalimbeMalimbus erythrogaster (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malimbus erythrogaster
Ibadan MalimbeMalimbus ibadanensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malimbus ibadanensis
Rachel's MalimbeMalimbus racheliae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Malimbus racheliae
Golden-naped WeaverPloceus aureonucha (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus aureonucha
Bates's WeaverPloceus batesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus batesi
Kilombero WeaverPloceus burnieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus burnieri
Yellow-capped WeaverPloceus dorsomaculatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus dorsomaculatus
Clarke's WeaverPloceus golandi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus golandi
Yellow WeaverPloceus megarhynchus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus megarhynchus
Usambara WeaverPloceus nicolli (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus nicolli
Black-chinned WeaverPloceus nigrimentus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus nigrimentus
Olive-headed WeaverPloceus olivaceiceps (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus olivaceiceps
Tanganyika Masked-weaverPloceus reichardi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus reichardi
Lake Lufira Masked-weaverPloceus ruweti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus ruweti
Bocage's WeaverPloceus temporalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ploceus temporalis
Shelley's Crimson-wingCryptospiza shelleyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cryptospiza shelleyi
Red-headed ParrotfinchErythrura cyaneovirens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythrura cyaneovirens
Pink-billed ParrotfinchErythrura kleinschmidti (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythrura kleinschmidti
Papuan ParrotfinchErythrura papuana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythrura papuana
Royal ParrotfinchErythrura regia (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythrura regia
Green-faced ParrotfinchErythrura viridifacies (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Erythrura viridifacies
Black-lored WaxbillEstrilda nigriloris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Estrilda nigriloris
Arabian WaxbillEstrilda rufibarba (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Estrilda rufibarba
Pale-billed FirefinchLagonosticta landanae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lagonosticta landanae
Mali FirefinchLagonosticta virata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lagonosticta virata
Yellow-rumped MuniaLonchura flaviprymna (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lonchura flaviprymna
New Ireland MuniaLonchura forbesi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lonchura forbesi
Alpine MuniaLonchura monticola (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lonchura monticola
Gray-crowned MuniaLonchura nevermanni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lonchura nevermanni
New Hanover MuniaLonchura nigerrima (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lonchura nigerrima
Black MuniaLonchura stygia (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lonchura stygia
Gray-banded MuniaLonchura vana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lonchura vana
White-collared OlivebackNesocharis ansorgei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nesocharis ansorgei
Pale-fronted NigritaNigrita luteifrons (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nigrita luteifrons
Black-chinned QuailfinchOrtygospiza gabonensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Ortygospiza gabonensis
Red-faced PytiliaPytilia hypogrammica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pytilia hypogrammica
Red-billed PytiliaPytilia lineata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pytilia lineata
Grant's BluebillSpermophaga poliogenys (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Spermophaga poliogenys
Cameroon IndigobirdVidua camerunensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vidua camerunensis
Jos Plateau IndigobirdVidua maryae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vidua maryae
Dusky-capped GreenletPachysylvia hypoxantha (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pachysylvia hypoxantha
Yellow-browed Shrike-vireoVireolanius eximius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vireolanius eximius
Spectacled FinchCallacanthis burtoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Callacanthis burtoni
Warsangli LinnetCarduelis johannis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Carduelis johannis
Yemen LinnetCarduelis yemenensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Carduelis yemenensis
Blyth's RosefinchCarpodacus grandis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Carpodacus grandis
Pale RosefinchCarpodacus stoliczkae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Carpodacus stoliczkae
Tawny-headed Mountain-finchLeucosticte sillemi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Leucosticte sillemi
Scottish CrossbillLoxia scotica (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Loxia scotica
Orange BullfinchPyrrhula aurantiaca (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pyrrhula aurantiaca
Somali GrosbeakRhynchostruthus louisae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhynchostruthus louisae
Golden-winged GrosbeakRhynchostruthus socotranus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rhynchostruthus socotranus
Southern Grosbeak-canarySerinus buchanani (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Serinus buchanani
Northern Grosbeak-canarySerinus donaldsoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Serinus donaldsoni
Tanzania SeedeaterSerinus melanochrous (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Serinus melanochrous
Yemen SerinSerinus menachensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Serinus menachensis
Olive-rumped SerinSerinus rothschildi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Serinus rothschildi
Yellow-rumped SerinSerinus xanthopygius (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Serinus xanthopygius
Maui NukupuuHemignathus affinis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hemignathus affinis
Kauai NukupuuHemignathus hanapepe (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hemignathus hanapepe
AkekeeLoxops caeruleirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Loxops caeruleirostris
Maui AkepaLoxops ochraceus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Loxops ochraceus
AnianiauMagumma parva (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Magumma parva
Poo-uliMelamprosops phaeosoma (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melamprosops phaeosoma
AkohekohePalmeria dolei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Palmeria dolei
Oahu AlauahioParoreomyza maculata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Paroreomyza maculata
Maui ParrotbillPseudonestor xanthophrys (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pseudonestor xanthophrys
OuPsittirostra psittacea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Psittirostra psittacea
Nihoa FinchTelespiza ultima (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Telespiza ultima
Altamira YellowthroatGeothlypis flavovelata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geothlypis flavovelata
Semper's WarblerLeucopeza semperi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Leucopeza semperi
White-faced RedstartMyioborus albifacies (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myioborus albifacies
Saffron-breasted RedstartMyioborus cardonai (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myioborus cardonai
Gray-throated WarblerMyiothlypis cinereicollis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myiothlypis cinereicollis
Bahama WarblerSetophaga flavescens (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Setophaga flavescens
Bachman's WarblerVermivora bachmanii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vermivora bachmanii
Eastern Chat-tanagerCalyptophilus frugivorus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Calyptophilus frugivorus
Pirre ChlorospingusChlorospingus inornatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chlorospingus inornatus
Tacarcuna ChlorospingusChlorospingus tacarcunae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Chlorospingus tacarcunae
Slaty TanagerCreurgops dentatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Creurgops dentatus
Viridian DacnisDacnis viguieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Dacnis viguieri
Oleaginous HemispingusHemispingus frontalis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hemispingus frontalis
Gray-capped HemispingusHemispingus reyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Hemispingus reyi
Sulphur-rumped TanagerHeterospingus rubrifrons (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Heterospingus rubrifrons
Gray-crowned Palm-tanagerPhaenicophilus poliocephalus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Phaenicophilus poliocephalus
Green-naped TanagerTangara fucosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tangara fucosa
Sira TanagerTangara phillipsi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tangara phillipsi
Rufous-cheeked TanagerTangara rufigenis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Tangara rufigenis
Carrizal SeedeaterAmaurospiza carrizalensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Amaurospiza carrizalensis
Blackish-blue SeedeaterAmaurospiza moesta (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Amaurospiza moesta
Caracas BrushfinchArremon phaeopleurus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Arremon phaeopleurus
Paria BrushfinchArremon phygas (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Arremon phygas
Vilcabamba BrushfinchAtlapetes terborghi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Atlapetes terborghi
Mangrove FinchCamarhynchus heliobates (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Camarhynchus heliobates
Gray Warbler-finchCerthidea fusca (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Certhidea fusca
Scaled FlowerpiercerDiglossa duidae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Diglossa duidae
Merida FlowerpiercerDiglossa gloriosa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Diglossa gloriosa
Socotra BuntingEmberiza socotrana (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Emberiza socotrana
Duida Grass-finchEmberizoides duidae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Emberizoides duidae
Gray-crested FinchLophospingus griseocristatus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Lophospingus griseocristatus
Wilkins's FinchNesospiza wilkinsi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Nesospiza wilkinsi
Cocos FinchPinaroloxias inornata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Pinaroloxias inornata
Gough Island FinchRowettia goughensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Rowettia goughensis
Monte Yellow-finchSicalis mendozae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sicalis mendozae
Sulphur-throated FinchSicalis taczanowskii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sicalis taczanowskii
Tropeiro SeedeaterSporophila beltoni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sporophila beltoni
Black-and-tawny SeedeaterSporophila nigrorufa (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Sporophila nigrorufa
Band-tailed CaciqueCacicus latirostris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Cacicus latirostris
Bahama OrioleIcterus northropi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Icterus northropi

1381 rows