Fieldguide Birds of the World

Berrypeckers and Longbills Melanocharitidae

Obscure HoneyeaterCaligavis obscura (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caligavis obscura
Black-throated HoneyeaterCaligavis subfrenata (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Caligavis subfrenata
Vanuatu HoneyeaterGliciphila notabilis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Gliciphila notabilis
Obscure BerrypeckerMelanocharis arfakiana (1)
Spotted BerrypeckerMelanocharis crassirostris (3)
Mid-mountain BerrypeckerMelanocharis longicauda (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melanocharis longicauda
Black BerrypeckerMelanocharis nigra (2)
Streaked BerrypeckerMelanocharis striativentris (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Melanocharis striativentris
Fan-tailed BerrypeckerMelanocharis versteri (4)
Makira HoneyeaterMeliarchus sclateri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliarchus sclateri
Kadavu HoneyeaterMeliphacator provocator (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Meliphacator provocator
Spectacled LongbillOedistoma iliolophus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oedistoma iliolophus
Pygmy LongbillOedistoma pygmaeum (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Oedistoma pygmaeum
Yellow-bellied LongbillToxorhamphus novaeguineae (1)
Slaty-chinned LongbillToxorhamphus poliopterus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Toxorhamphus poliopterus
Bismarck HoneyeaterVosea whitemanensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Vosea whitemanensis
