Fieldguide Birds of the World

Thrushes and Allies Turdidae

Fire-crested AletheAlethe diademata (1)
White-bellied ShortwingBrachypteryx albiventris (4)
Rusty-bellied ShortwingBrachypteryx hyperythra (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Brachypteryx hyperythra
Lesser ShortwingBrachypteryx leucophrys (12)
Nilgiri ShortwingBrachypteryx major (8)
White-browed ShortwingBrachypteryx montana (14)
Gould's ShortwingBrachypteryx stellata (1)
Sulawesi ThrushCataponera turdoides (2)
Orange-billed Nightingale-thrushCatharus aurantiirostris (23)
Bicknell's ThrushCatharus bicknelli (11)
Spotted Nightingale-thrushCatharus dryas (6)
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-thrushCatharus frantzii (15)
Slaty-backed Nightingale-thrushCatharus fuscater (7)
VeeryCatharus fuscescens (37)
Black-billed Nightingale-thrushCatharus gracilirostris (26)
Hermit ThrushCatharus guttatus (133)
Black-headed Nightingale-thrushCatharus mexicanus (5)
Gray-cheeked ThrushCatharus minimus (24)
Russet Nightingale-thrushCatharus occidentalis (3)
Swainson's ThrushCatharus ustulatus (73)
Fruit-hunterChlamydochaera jefferyi (9)
Rufous-brown SolitaireCichlopsis leucogenys (5)
Black SolitaireEntomodestes coracinus (5)
White-eared SolitaireEntomodestes leucotis (4)
Black-eared Ground-thrushGeokichla camaronensis (1)
Ashy ThrushGeokichla cinerea (7)
Orange-headed ThrushGeokichla citrina (59)
Crossley's Ground-thrushGeokichla crossleyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla crossleyi
Chestnut-backed ThrushGeokichla dohertyi (1)
Buru ThrushGeokichla dumasi (1)
Rusty-backed ThrushGeokichla erythronota (9)
Orange Ground-thrushGeokichla gurneyi (7)
Spotted Ground-thrushGeokichla guttata (7)
Chestnut-capped ThrushGeokichla interpres (1)
Seram ThrushGeokichla joiceyi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla joiceyi
Enggano ThrushGeokichla leucolaema (5)
Red-and-black ThrushGeokichla mendeni (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla mendeni
Oberlaender's Ground-thrushGeokichla oberlaenderi (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla oberlaenderi
Orange-banded ThrushGeokichla peronii (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla peronii
Abyssinian Ground-thrushGeokichla piaggiae (10)
Gray Ground-thrushGeokichla princei (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla princei
Slaty-backed ThrushGeokichla schistacea (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla schistacea
Siberian ThrushGeokichla sibirica (22)
Spot-winged ThrushGeokichla spiloptera (9)
Kivu Ground-thrushGeokichla tanganjicae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Geokichla tanganjicae
Pied ThrushGeokichla wardii (4)
Great ShortwingHeinrichia calligyna (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Heinrichia calligyna
Wood ThrushHylocichla mustelina (41)
Varied ThrushIxoreus naevius (94)
Miombo Rock-thrushMonticola angolensis (8)
Short-toed Rock-thrushMonticola brevipes (17)
Blue-capped Rock-thrushMonticola cinclorhynchus (38)
Sentinel Rock-thrushMonticola explorator (12)
White-throated Rock-thrushMonticola gularis (27)
Littoral Rock-thrushMonticola imerina (16)
Chestnut-bellied Rock-thrushMonticola rufiventris (35)
Little Rock-thrushMonticola rufocinereus (13)
Cape Rock-thrushMonticola rupestris (20)
Rufous-tailed Rock-thrushMonticola saxatilis (49)
Forest Rock-thrushMonticola sharpei (30)
Blue Rock-thrushMonticola solitarius (140)
Varied SolitaireMyadestes coloratus (1)
Cuban SolitaireMyadestes elisabeth (6)
Rufous-throated SolitaireMyadestes genibarbis (2)
OlomaoMyadestes lanaiensis (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myadestes lanaiensis
Black-faced SolitaireMyadestes melanops (14)
KamaoMyadestes myadestinus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myadestes myadestinus
OmaoMyadestes obscurus (3)
Brown-backed SolitaireMyadestes occidentalis (10)
PuaiohiMyadestes palmeri (1)
Andean SolitaireMyadestes ralloides (10)
Townsend's SolitaireMyadestes townsendi (68)
Slate-colored SolitaireMyadestes unicolor (1)
Sri Lanka Whistling-thrushMyophonus blighi (2)
Bornean Whistling-thrushMyophonus borneensis (7)
Blue Whistling-thrushMyophonus caeruleus (99)
Chestnut-winged Whistling-thrushMyophonus castaneus (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Myophonus castaneus
Javan Whistling-thrushMyophonus glaucinus (10)
Malabar Whistling-thrushMyophonus horsfieldii (19)
Taiwan Whistling-thrushMyophonus insularis (9)
Shiny Whistling-thrushMyophonus melanurus (2)
Malayan Whistling-thrushMyophonus robinsoni (1)
Finsch's Flycatcher-thrushNeocossyphus finschii (4)
Rufous Flycatcher-thrushNeocossyphus fraseri (3)
White-tailed Ant-thrushNeocossyphus poensis (5)
Red-tailed Ant-thrushNeocossyphus rufus (3)
Tristan ThrushNesocichla eremita (4)
Cholo AlethePseudalethe choloensis (2)
White-chested AlethePseudalethe fuelleborni (2)
Brown-chested AlethePseudalethe poliocephala (5)
Red-throated AlethePseudalethe poliophrys (5)
Groundscraper ThrushPsophocichla litsitsirupa (46)
Aztec ThrushRidgwayia pinicola (7)
Mountain BluebirdSialia currucoides (140)
Western BluebirdSialia mexicana (150)
Eastern BluebirdSialia sialis (168)
Abyssinian ThrushTurdus abyssinicus (7)
White-necked ThrushTurdus albicollis (16)
White-collared BlackbirdTurdus albocinctus (7)
Creamy-bellied ThrushTurdus amaurochalinus (44)
White-throated ThrushTurdus assimilis (20)
Black-throated ThrushTurdus atrogularis (21)
White-chinned ThrushTurdus aurantius (7)
Comoro ThrushTurdus bewsheri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdus bewsheri
Gray-winged BlackbirdTurdus boulboul (16)
Japanese ThrushTurdus cardis (25)
Izu ThrushTurdus celaenops (4)
Chiguanco ThrushTurdus chiguanco (18)
Brown-headed ThrushTurdus chrysolaus (8)
Black-breasted ThrushTurdus dissimilis (18)
Dusky ThrushTurdus eunomus (23)
Austral ThrushTurdus falcklandii (49)
Gray-sided ThrushTurdus feae (4)
Yellow-legged ThrushTurdus flavipes (24)
Chestnut-bellied ThrushTurdus fulviventris (6)
Cocoa ThrushTurdus fumigatus (8)
Great ThrushTurdus fuscater (66)
Clay-colored ThrushTurdus grayi (69)
Unicolored ThrushTurdus haplochrous (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdus haplochrous
Hauxwell's ThrushTurdus hauxwelli (5)
Taita ThrushTurdus helleri (1)
Gray-backed ThrushTurdus hortulorum (26)
Black-billed ThrushTurdus ignobilis (37)
RedwingTurdus iliacus (102)
Black ThrushTurdus infuscatus (2)
White-eyed ThrushTurdus jamaicensis (3)
White-backed ThrushTurdus kessleri (4)
Lawrence's ThrushTurdus lawrencii (3)
Pale-breasted ThrushTurdus leucomelas (75)
Pale-eyed ThrushTurdus leucops (6)
Forest ThrushTurdus lherminieri (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdus lherminieri
Kurrichane ThrushTurdus libonyana (46)
Somali ThrushTurdus ludoviciae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Turdus ludoviciae
Ecuadorian ThrushTurdus maculirostris (7)
Chinese BlackbirdTurdus mandarinus (3)
Marañon ThrushTurdus maranonicus (1)
Tibetan BlackbirdTurdus maximus (1)
Yemen ThrushTurdus menachensis (1)
Eurasian BlackbirdTurdus merula (247)
American RobinTurdus migratorius (136)
Chinese ThrushTurdus mupinensis (7)
Naumann's ThrushTurdus naumanni (27)
Sooty ThrushTurdus nigrescens (26)
Slaty ThrushTurdus nigriceps (9)
Spectacled ThrushTurdus nudigenis (26)
Eyebrowed ThrushTurdus obscurus (22)
Pale-vented ThrushTurdus obsoletus (2)
Sao Tome ThrushTurdus olivaceofuscus (3)
Olive ThrushTurdus olivaceus (39)
Black-hooded ThrushTurdus olivater (4)
Pale ThrushTurdus pallidus (30)
African ThrushTurdus pelios (34)
Song ThrushTurdus philomelos (132)
FieldfareTurdus pilaris (168)
Mountain ThrushTurdus plebejus (11)
Red-legged ThrushTurdus plumbeus (31)
Island ThrushTurdus poliocephalus (19)
Plumbeous-backed ThrushTurdus reevei (3)
Usambara ThrushTurdus roehli (1)
Chestnut ThrushTurdus rubrocanus (19)
Red-throated ThrushTurdus ruficollis (19)
Rufous-collared RobinTurdus rufitorques (5)
Rufous-bellied ThrushTurdus rufiventris (129)
Rufous-backed RobinTurdus rufopalliatus (23)
Varzea ThrushTurdus sanchezorum (2)
Glossy-black ThrushTurdus serranus (10)
Indian BlackbirdTurdus simillimus (6)
Karoo ThrushTurdus smithi (11)
La Selle ThrushTurdus swalesi (4)
African Bare-eyed ThrushTurdus tephronotus (8)
Ring OuzelTurdus torquatus (46)
Tickell's ThrushTurdus unicolor (6)
Mistle ThrushTurdus viscivorus (68)
Principe ThrushTurdus xanthorhynchus (2)
Sunda ThrushZoothera andromedae (3)
Bougainville ThrushZoothera atrigena (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoothera atrigena
White's ThrushZoothera aurea (2)
Scaly ThrushZoothera dauma (34)
Long-tailed ThrushZoothera dixoni (7)
Everett's ThrushZoothera everetti (2)
Russet-tailed ThrushZoothera heinei (5)
GeomaliaZoothera heinrichi (1)
Sri Lanka ThrushZoothera imbricata (3)
Olive-tailed ThrushZoothera lunulata (22)
Fawn-breasted ThrushZoothera machiki (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoothera machiki
Makira ThrushZoothera margaretae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoothera margaretae
Dark-sided ThrushZoothera marginata (3)
Plain-backed ThrushZoothera mollissima (7)
Long-billed ThrushZoothera monticola (4)
Nilgiri ThrushZoothera neilgherriensis (1)
New Britain ThrushZoothera talaseae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoothera talaseae
Guadalcanal ThrushZoothera turipavae (0)Try Google, Avibase or Flickr Zoothera turipavae
